- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
After Easter there will be a change of caterer for our school dinners. The Langtree kitchen will now be run by a company called Aspens. With this newsletter you will receive a letter from Aspens giving more detail and you will see from this that the current system of pre-ordering and payment on line will not be available immediately although Aspens are working towards making this an option. Direct Debit Payment for meals taken during this last term will be made on 19thApril and you will be informed by email from Dolce about this.
In the meantime the price for a school meal remains at £2.00 and children will be able to order school meals on a daily basis in the classroom, paying in advance with cash or by cheque on a Monday morning (cheques remain payable to ‘Oxfordshire County Council’). All payments must be in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name, which meals they are taking and the amount enclosed in the envelope.
Comic Relief – The amount raised in the school for Comic Relief this year was £201 which has now been donated to the appeal fund.
Thank you – We are very grateful to Sue Palmer for her donation of books to the Year 3 class. .
Woodcote Easter Holiday Club – The Cabin and Woodcote Pre-school are again organising an Easter Holiday Club for children aged 2 ½ -7 years. Children can bring their own bike or scooter. There will be Arts and crafts and Outdoor games. The club will be held in and around The Cabin Pre-school and Woodcote primary school and will be fully insured.
Runs Tuesday 2nd April – Friday 12th April, 9am – 3pm with ‘Early bird sessions too!!
Call 01491 680854 or 682300 to Book now! Also open for the summer as usual.
New Term – The new term starts for the children on Tuesday 16th April (we have an Inset day on Monday 15th).
Lunchtime Supervisor – The school still has a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor. If you, or someone you know, would like to apply for this position please ask in the school office for more details and an application form.