- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Welcome – We are pleased to welcome two new children to our school, Scarlet Allen in Hornbeam class and Bella Harley in Rowan class.
Harvest Festival, Wednesday 2nd October – This year we have split our festival into two distinct sessions due to the larger numbers of pupils that we now have. Oak, Hornbeam and Beech Classes will be performing their celebrations first, starting at 9.15am and then Ash, Rowan, Maple and Willow will perform after a short intermission where parents are welcome to leave or enter. This intermission will be at 9:40am. I am afraid that this is an approximate time so apologies in advance if we are running a little late! You are more than welcome to stay for the whole Harvest Festival, especially if you could help with the distribution of boxes around Woodcote.
School Photographs – This week all children should have brought home their photograph proofs. If you would like to order please send in your order by Friday 4th October so that we can send the order to the photographer. After this date parents will need to send orders direct to the photographer.
School Uniform – Could we please ask all parents to check their child/children’s school uniform to make sure they have their own items as one or two sweatshirts have gone missing although they may have been named. Also, please make sure that your child’s name is marked clearly in permanent marker so that they can be returned to them if found in the playground or elsewhere in the school.
Boxtops – Please keep saving the tokens on the packets of cereal and bringing them into school. This is the last year Nestlé will be giving books away so we would like to get as many free books as possible before March.
Jumble Sale – St. Leonard’s church will be holding a jumble sale on Saturday 5th October from 2pm to 4pm. If you have any jumble, please deliver it to the village hall from 10am, or contact Lucy Carr on 01491 681927.
Barn Dance – St. Leonard’s will also be holding a Barn Dance in the evening. Tickets are £8 each or £20 per family (2 adults and 2 children) or £5 for concessions. Please contact Chris Bernard for tickets.
After School Club – The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 7th October in the school hall starting at 7.30pm. Please come along and if you are interested in joining the committee please let any of the ASC staff know. It would be great to have more committee members.