- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
New Arrival – We are delighted to say that Mr and Mrs Field’s new baby boy arrived on Tuesday this week and will be called Edward. Congratulations to the family.
Inset Day – We hope you all enjoy your half term holiday next week and don’t forget there is an Inset Day on Monday 5th November so the children do not return to school until Tuesday 6thNovember.
Science Week – Themed around ‘Is anybody out there?’ It was of course, all about space. The children have had a tremendous time; from our own displays of earth with its view of space and asteroids, to the excitement of theatre groups, trips and a visiting space dome. They have taken part in a fabulous range of activities and have carried out lots of investigative science. We would love to hear your views on their reactions to it all.
The staff have spent a huge amount of time and energy on this week and what a week! Celebrating new life in our midst and the possibility of further life in the universe! We leave the term with a big bang! (Pun very much intended) Alison Lecorgne – Science Co-ordinator
Swimming Gala – Last week a group of children took part in a swimming gala of competitive and fun races with five cluster schools. Our school came third overall and the children performed and behaved very well. Well done to Amy Allen, Joshua Palmer, Lucy Ball, Molly Cole, Alex Ostridge, David Carr, Andrew Carr, Archie Kennedy, Silas Mendez, Astrid Tozer, Kathryn Hall, Peter Mason and Georgina Benham.
Pottery Club – There is one space in the pottery classes after school on Mondays. These take place from
3.30 – 4.30pm and there will be four sessions only (cost £15) during the half term up to Christmas, starting on Monday 12th November. If your child is interested in taking up this place ask in the school office.
Poppies – We will have poppies available in school during the week after half term so children can bring in some money to obtain one of these.
Children in Need – On Friday 16th November as our contribution to Children in Need, children may come to school in pyjamas (sensible type only) for a donation of £1 per child.
Photographs – Cabin Pre-school have the Photographer coming on Wednesday 7th November at 2pm. If anyone would like a family photo for Christmas they will have availability after school. Just pop in to Cabin and book a slot.
Barn Dance – St. Leonard’s Church are holding a barn dance on Saturday 3rd November 7.30 till 11pm in the village hall. Tickets from Brian Turner 01491 681739 £8 adults, £5 seniors and 14 and under, family ticket £20.