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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 25 May 2012

Quest for the Olympics – This week we had Freshwater Theatre in to engage the children in a ‘Quest for the Olympics’ workshop.  Each class explored the Olympics through the ages from the very first games to this year’s London Olympics. Children learned about different sports, some of the countries taking part and about the importance of diet for athletes.  Children really enjoyed the pacey, practical, fun filled activities.


School Dinners – Changes to school dinners next week:

Tuesday 29th May – Jubilee Meal – Hot Dog Rolls with potato balls followed by British Tart.

Thursday 31st May – No hot dinners because of our own Jubilee Party with food provided by parents.


Class Photographs – Next Wednesday 30th May the photographer will be in to take Year 6 and class photographs.  Could all children please have with them their sweatshirt or cardigan.


Jubilee Party – Thursday 31st May.  Children will need to wear normal school uniform, no dressing up for the party.  All food donations should be taken to your child’s classroom first thing in the morning.  If you have not yet returned your slip about food you will be bringing, please do so as soon as possible or ask in the office about a possible alternative if there is a problem with what you have been asked to bring.


Sunshine – Now that the warm weather has finally arrived can I remind parents to apply sun cream to their children before school on hot days and to provide a sunhat (labelled with their name) so that they do not get sun burnt.  This is especially important for the Jubilee Party as the party will be in the playground.


Lost Property – At present we have a boxful of lost property.  If your child has lost an item of clothing please ask in the school office as any items left by half term will be disposed of.


Half Term – School will finish on Friday 1st June at the usual time of 3.15pm for half term week 4th to 8th June inclusive.  School reopens on Monday 11th June.


Sainsbury Vouchers – If you have any Sainsbury vouchers please bring them in to the school at the beginning of next week as we have to send them in with our order by half term.
