- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Welcome – This week we are pleased to welcome into Maple class twins Bai and Jia Liu who have recently moved to Woodcote from China.
Children in Need – Last week our school ‘Pyjama Day’ raised £184.30 in donations to the Children in Need appeal.
– Cost £2.00
Roast Turkey & Stuffing, chipolata sausages (Quorn steaks – vegetarian). Roast potatoes, creamed potatoes, fresh carrots, garden peas and gravy.
Ice Cream & Christmas Biscuit or Christmas Crumble and Vanilla Sauce.
Fresh Fruit.
Free Christmas Cracker for each child.
Dinners will need to be pre-ordered by Monday 3rd December either online or by completing the slip at the end of this newsletter.
KS2 Production – This will be held on the evenings of Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19thDecember and we are wondering if there is a parent who would consider filming the production on either of these evenings so that we may sell copies to parents. If so, could you please contact Mrs Lecorgne in Willow class.
School Christmas Dinner – Please return this form to school by Monday 3rd December.
I would like to order Christmas dinner for my child/children …………………………………………………
Please enclose £2.00 payment if not paid by direct debit and indicate if your child requires vegetarian meal.
Signed……………………………………………………. Date…………………………………..