- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Class Assemblies – Rowan class will be having their assembly next Tuesday 25th June and Maple class will be having their assembly next Wednesday 26th June, both starting at 9.05am. Parents and family welcome.
Quad Kids – Well done to our team of Year 5 and 6 athletes who competed in the Quad Kids event at Langtree this week. Children competed in four events: 600m run, 75m sprint, throwing and long jump. It was an excellent effort by all our athletes and we finished third overall, which was a good achievement. Well done to Andrew Carr, David Carr, Kimberley Gough, Adam McBride, Skye McDougall, Ben Temple, Astrid Tozer, Dawson Powell, Max Temple, Bryony Furlonger, Charlotte Mansfield and Maddie Warren.
Netball – We took a team of Year 3 and 4 children to Langtree this week for a netball tournament against local schools. It was pleasing to have the opportunity for some of our pupils to take part in netball competitively as netball has featured less in recent years at schools. All the children enjoyed themselves and have made great progress in developing their skills. Well done to Gemma Botham, Milly Coleman, Chloe Page, Courtney Mackinnon, Katie McDowell, Megan Pope, Megan Cole, Silas Mendez and Ellen Bentley.
Teaching Assistant Position – The school require a Teaching Assistant for our Year 1 class from September. Please contact the school office for further details and an application form. The closing date for applications is next Friday 28th June.
Mrs Bernard – is stepping down from the role of Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at the end of this term. Mrs Bernard, who has been the SENCO for 12 years, has worked extremely hard with staff to ensure pupils with special educational needs receive the best support they can. Children with special needs at the school make excellent progress and this is a tribute to Mrs Barnard and all the teachers and teaching assistants who work so hard with these children. I would like to thank Mrs Bernard for all her commitment and years of hard work. She will, however, continue working at the school as a Teaching Assistant and no doubt supporting children with special needs.
New SENCO and Assistant SENCO and Home/School Link Worker – The school have successfully appointed Miss Allen as our new SENCO from September. Miss Allen, who is returning to school to teach Year 3 after her sabbatical, will be assisted by Mrs Ploszynski, who has been appointed as Assistant SENCO from September. We are very happy and confident that Miss Allen and Mrs Ploszynski will work together well as a team to develop further the excellent work the school currently does with pupils with Special Education Needs.
We have also appointed Mrs Wise, a qualified Higher Level Teaching Assistant, as our Home/School link worker. Mrs Wise will work closely with the school and any families requiring family support.
Music Lessons – There will be spaces available in September for musical instrument lessons (woodwind or brass). The lessons are organised by the Music for Schools Foundation and more information can be found on their website www.mfsf.org.uk