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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 20.12.12

KS2 Production –  Well done to all the KS2 children for their performances in ‘The Snow Queen’.  We had two very good performances from children who had worked extremely hard in rehearsals over the last few weeks.  It was great, once again, to see the confidence of children on stage and to see Year 3 to 6 children performing together.  Thank you to all the parents and families who came to watch the performance.

A big thank you must also go to the staff who helped to put the production together, but in particular, to Mrs Lecorgne who produced and directed it.  Once again another successful production for the school!

The collection after the performances raised £109.24 which will be put towards stage lighting.



Thank you – We are very grateful to Mike Hill from Woodcote Garden Centre for providing the lovely Christmas Tree for our school entrance hall.  Thank you very much.


School Dinners – The new menu for next term is now available online at ‘Kitchen Live’.  If you are unable to view this online please ask in the office for a copy.


New Term dates:

Spring Term starts:      Monday 7th January

Music lessons              Tuesday 8th January

Judo lessons:               Thursday 10th January 8am

Swimming                   Willow and Maple classes – Thursday 10th January

Swimming                   Beech class – Friday 11th January

Science Club               Monday 14th January 3.15 – 4.15pm (please complete and send in application forms)

Pro-Direct Football     Tuesday 29th January 3.30 – 4.30pm

Half Term                    Monday 11th – Friday 15th February

End of Term                Thursday 28th March


School Absence – A reminder that all absences due to sickness or medical appointments must be reported to the school office by 9.30am.  If you wish your child to be absent for a family holiday or any other reason this must be requested in advance.  This can be done by sending in a letter to the school office stating the dates of the holiday.


School Admissions September 2013 – A reminder to parents of pre-school children that the deadline for applications for children starting school in September 2013 is 15th January.  This can be done online at: or by sending in a form to School Admissions.


Emergency Closures – Please remember in the event of bad weather any closure or late opening will be announced on the radio by 8.00am, earlier if possible (BBC Radio Oxford and Heart FM Oxfordshire) and will appear on their websites. 

We will also inform the Woodcote and Cabin Pre-schools.

We will notify parents of opening/closing on our school website:

School closures are also listed on the County website:
