- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
School Photographs – Please note that all orders for school photographs need to be returned to the school office by next Friday 28th September, they will then be sent to the photographer and should be back with us before half term. Any orders after this date will need to be sent direct by you to the photographer as stated on the photo order pack.
Harvest – A reminder that our Harvest Assembly will take place on Wednesday 3rd October at 9.15am. The whole school will contribute to the assembly which parents are very welcome to attend. Children are requested to bring food items on that morning directly to the school hall before 8.50am and not to the classrooms. These will then be boxed up and distributed to elderly residents in Woodcote. If you know of any elderly residents who would appreciate receiving a box please let us know in the school office. Also we need some parents to assist with boxing up after the assembly and with distributing in the village, again please let us know in the school office.
Free School Dinners – Free school dinners are available for children in families claiming Income Support or Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance. If you would like to claim free meals for your child/children (even if they will only require a dinner occasionally) please ask in the school office for a form to complete so that your entitlement can be checked. It is important that we have this information since it affects school funding.
Lunchtime Supervisor – We have a vacancy for a temporary lunchtime supervisor. If you would be interested in this post please ask in the school office for an application form and further details.
Samaritan Purse Shoe Box Appeal – We are again taking part in the Operation Christmas Child appeal where you wrap an empty medium sized shoebox and fill it with little gifts. These boxes are then distributed to children in third world countries. A donation of £2.50 is requested and we have in the office leaflets giving more detail of what is acceptable in the boxes and what is not. Please ask for a leaflet if you wish to take part. Boxes will need to be brought in before half term.
Bridge Club – This will be starting again next Tuesday at lunchtime for children in Years 4-6. Can any children who would like to take part in this please let us know in the school office.
Pro-Direct Football – With this newsletter you should receive a letter giving details of this football training for children in Years 1-6 which will start again next Tuesday after school 3.30 to 4.30pm. This will continue each week until 4th December and the cost is £45 for the term.
Judo – This will start again next Thursday at 8am in the school hall and there are leaflets in the school office if you would like your child/children to begin lessons.
Messy Church – St. Leonard’s Church are holding their Messy Church this Sunday 23rdSeptember between 2.30pm and 4.30pm in Woodcote Village Hall when there will be an afternoon of family fun with crafts and games. Free admission but all children must be accompanied by an adult.
Inset Day – A reminder that there will be no school on Friday 5th October as we have an Inset Day.