- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Literacy Cup and Shield – Congratulations to Isobel Carr, who this year has won the Literacy Cup.
This special award is given to a Year 6 pupil each year to recognise and celebrate their achievement and progress in literacy. Isobel has produced writing of a very high standard, consistently this year, so well done to Isobel. The cup was donated by Mary Williams in memory of her deceased granddaughter, who had a love of reading and in particular writing stories and poems.
Congratulations also to Holly Salter who received the literacy shield to recognise her effort and progress with writing this year. Holly has made significant improvements with writing this year, writing to a high standard and with increasing maturity, well done to Holly.
Year 6 play – Well done to Year 6 for their end of year performance to parents. Again, there was a high standard of acting and singing with a play that was very amusing! The children worked hard and clearly enjoyed performing. A big thank you must go to Mrs Lecorgne for directing the play, and Mrs Ploszynski for her support and food preparation for the after performance barbeque.
Year 6 Wales trip short film – We are planning on making this available to view on our website. If any parent of a Year 6 pupil who took part in the trip has any objection to this please could you contact the school office by email office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk Obviously no names will be published or shown in the film.
100% attendance – For the first time we will be giving out certificates in our final assembly to those children who have achieved a 100% attendance this year. A good attendance is very important at primary school and we feel this should be recognised and rewarded. Well done to those children who have achieved a 100% attendance.
Goodbyes – We will be saying goodbye to Miss Allen, for a year at least, who is off on her travels around the world. Miss Allen is taking a one year sabbatical and will rejoin us in September 2013. We wish her a fantastic trip. Miss Allen has set up an internet blog for children and staff to follow her travels while she is away. To log on, please visit www.missallensworldtrip.blogspot.co.uk
We also say goodbye to Miss Rook who has trained as a teacher with us this year. Miss Rook has successfully completed her year and has a teaching position at Park Lane primary school in Tilehurst. We wish her good luck for her future teaching career.
School Uniform – With this newsletter you will receive a letter about School Uniform which shows what uniform should be worn in school. We will be expecting all children to be in the required school uniform in September. Please could you also ensure that all items of uniform are clearly marked with your child’s name so that it can be returned to them if it becomes lost.
Thank you – to all the parents and families this year for your ongoing support and contribution to raising standards further at the school. This support is very much appreciated.
Thank you FOWPS – A particular thank you must also go to the FOWPS committee, who once again, have worked extremely hard to raise thousands of pounds for the school. Our children really do benefit from the extra income, which mainly goes towards classroom and curriculum resources, and to subsidise school trips. Thanks also for the contributions they made for our Jubilee party – the cost of the steel band and other resources, also for the bookmarks given out to all the children.
Without FOWPS we would not be able to fund these extras.
Superschools Sponsorship – The amount raised through this scheme for our school is £192 which will be used to buy classroom resources. The rewards for the children (depending on the amount they raised) will be received in September and distributed then.
After School Club – A person is required who would be willing to assist at short notice to cover occasional staff absence. This will not be on a regular basis. A police CRB will be carried out as this job requires contact with the children but no qualifications are required. If you are interested in this and would like more information please contact Sue Thorne via the school office or telephone Sue on 680389 during the holidays.
Summer Fun Day – The Early Intervention
Service have organised a Summer Fun Day on Tuesday 21st August from 10am to 2pm in Woodcote Village Hall. All activities are free and will include arts and crafts, face painting, junk modelling, jewellery making and cooking. This is open to all children but they must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Just turn up on the day to enjoy the fun.
Woodcote Library – are running a summer reading challenge where you have to read six books and complete some tasks in order to win a gold medal. It’s free to join and good fun. Please ask for more details from the Library.
I wish all the families a happy summer break and look forward to seeing you back in school again on Wednesday 5th September.
Chris Field, Headteacher.