- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
School Photographs – Next Tuesday 24th September the photographer will be in school to take photographs of all the children. Brothers and Sisters will be photographed together and individually and you will be able to choose which you would like to order when you receive your proofs. If you have pre-school children who you would like included in your family photograph please come into the school hall at 8.30am.
Willow and Maple classes will be swimming that morning so please make sure your child has a brush or comb with them to tidy up their hair after swimming.
Harvest Festival – A reminder that this is due to take place on Wednesday 2nd October at 9.15am. If you have any boxes that you could bring in for this purpose please bring them in as soon as possible for decoration. Also if you know of any elderly residents in Woodcote who would appreciate a box please let the school office know.
Judo lessons – No Obligation Taster Day – Lessons will start again next Thursday 26th September from 8am until 8.40am. As well as being for children who have attended lessons before, on the first day (26th September) this will be a No Obligation Taster Day, so anyone interested in a trial session is invited to come along.
Lunchtime Supervisors – We are looking for extra lunchtime supervisors (could be every day or just some days). If you or someone you know, would like to take up this position, please ask in the school office for more details.
Asthma Inhalers – If your child needs an inhaler, please make sure they have one at school as we keep these in the classrooms for use when necessary. These should be clearly named and a medication form should be completed giving details of when this may be required.
Packed Lunches – Please can we remind everyone not to include ‘frubes’ or ‘munch bunch’ squeezy yoghurts in the children’s lunchboxes as they cause problems for our staff because they can be very messy. Children often have a problem opening these yoghurts and tend to get themselves and others very messy!
Colder Weather – Now that the colder and wetter weather has arrived, please make sure your child has a suitable warm and waterproof coat in school every day as the children are encouraged to go outside whenever possible.
Messy Church – This Sunday, 22nd September, St Leonard’s Church will be holding ‘Messy Church’ 2.30 – 4.30pm in Woodcote Village Hall. This will be an afternoon of family fun with crafts and games, a lively 15 minute service and to finish …tea and cakes. Free admission but all children must be accompanied by an adult.
After School Club – The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 7th October starting at 7.30pm. Please come along and if you are interested in joining the committee please let any of the ASC staff know. It would be great to have more committee members.