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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 19 June 2014

New Foundation Teacher – we are delighted that Miss Sarah Beesley will be joining our teaching team as the Foundation Stage Teacher in September 2014. Miss Beesley is currently at Watlington Primary school and is looking forward to joining our team.


Summer weather – please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school so that they have access to water in the class room, especially on hot days. For break & lunch times we would like children to have a named sun hat to wear and sun cream available, if they have not applied it before school. Please check your child’s sweatshirts and cardigans for names as many go missing at this time of year after being left out on the playground.


Dinner money – may we remind you that all dinner money should be handed to the school office (or put through the post box) on a Monday morning only. Please ensure the named envelope is sealed and states your child’s name and the amount enclosed. Envelopes delivered after Monday will not be processed until Friday of that week. If you wish to sign up for the Aspens Online ordering and payment service instead, please use the following link:

Please inform the school office if you do sign up to Aspens service. Thank you.


Sainsbury’s Vouchers –the closing date for these is Tuesday 1st July 2014. Unfortunately any vouchers received after this time will be of no use, so please turn out your handbags, pockets and purses and bring any vouchers to the school office before 1st July so we can place an order for free school resources.

