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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 19 April 2012

Welcome back for the summer term to everyone and especially welcome to Anya McAuslin who has joined Hornbeam class this week and also to Finlay McAuslin who has joined Rowan class.


School Dinners – On Monday next week the school dinner will be a special for St. Georges Day. It will be Battered Fish Fillet (or Vegetable Nuggets) with Potato Wedges and Mushy Peas, followed by Summer Trifle but Jacket Potatoes will not be available on this day.


Newsletter – If you would prefer to receive this weekly newsletter by email please let the office know your email address. It is also available each week on our school website


Late Arrivals – If children are late arriving in school for any reason please ensure that the school office know so that a school dinner can be ordered for them if required.


Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – Following our letter about these celebrations, plans are well under way. If you would like to nominate your child for Diamond Queen, Prince Consort, Lady in Waiting or Footman please let the school office know or send in the slip at the end of the letter by next Monday at the latest.


Changes of address or telephone numbers – Please can I remind all parents to let the school office know if you have a change of address or telephone number (home or mobile) so that we can update our records. This is vitally important in case your child is taken ill or has an accident and we need to contact you urgently.


Headteachers’ Termly Newsletter – This will be sent out next week.
