- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
School Prospectus
The new school prospectus is available for anyone who would like a copy. It looks fantastic and does the school justice with its vibrant photographs and supportive text which highlights our values and what makes us proud of our school. Copies are available in the school office.
We would like to reassure parents of our continued commitment to safeguarding and we recently requested an Audit from the County to assess how we are doing. We are pleased to say that the outcome was very positive.
Children In Need
We have had a really fun day for ‘Children in Need’. Pudsey Bear danced his way through the playground and our eyes were blurred by a sea of spots. Cakes were munched and then the children ran off the extra calories with a fun run around the playground and the field. We raised a magnificent £358.55. Thank you to everyone for supporting this event
Year 5 and 6 Swimming
On Thursday 24th November years 5 and 6 will be doing a personal survival session so they will need pyjamas as well as their swimming kit.
Woodcote After School Club Vacancy
The After School Club are looking for a helper to join this popular and busy club. The hours are 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. three days a week. Play worker/NVQ level 2/3 is preferable and experience of working with children aged from 4-11. It would be an advantage if you have experience or hold certificates in Paediatric First Aid and food hygiene although training will be given to the right candidate. If you are interested please contact Sue Thorne, Susan Kew or Helen Hurst.
Aspens Lunches
The burst water pipe at Langtree school caused a bit of mayhem with our lunches but as parents you were all fantastically flexible and helped us deal with the situation without too much hassle so thank you to you all. Thankfully normal service was resumed today and chips were back, granted without the fish but sausages were an excellent substitute.
Davis Tate Christmas Colouring Competition
Davis Tate Estate Agents are running their annual Christmas colouring competition. Submissions are to be returned in advance of the Goring Christmas evening on 2nd December. The pictures go up on display in the window of the Goring Branch for the children to view in the week leading up to the night. If your child would like to enter copies of the picture are available from the school office. Davis Tate said that they always receive great submissions from Woodcote Primary School.