- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Science Week – Next week is Science Week! The theme will be ‘Space’ Is Anyone out there?
There will be a range of exciting events and activities organised for all the children throughout the week starting with an introductory assembly by Mrs Lecorgne (Science co-ordinator) on Monday.
On Friday, for a donation of £1 per child, they may dress as a spaceman or alien for the day.
Piano Lessons – Please note that the piano lessons due to take place on Wednesday 24thOctober will now be on Thursday 25th October because of the KS2 science trip which will take place on the Wednesday.
Nestlé Box Tops – Please send any box top tokens that you have next week so that we can send in another order for books for the school.
School Uniform – As a reminder to everyone and for parents new to the school, we have put on the back of this newsletter, details of uniform requirements for all children.
Operation Christmas Child – If you would like to take part in this year’s shoebox appeal, leaflets are available in the school office. Boxes will need to be brought into school during the week after half term so they can be collected.
Year 6 transfer to Secondary School – A reminder to parents of Year 6 children that the deadline for applications for transfer to secondary school is 31st October. This can be done online at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions
Half Term – The October holiday is Monday 29th October until Friday 2nd November and there is also an Inset Day on Monday 5th November so children will not return until Tuesday 6thNovember.