- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Year 6 SATs – Well done to all our Year 6 pupils who this week completed their SATs. The children have worked very hard in preparation for these and they coped well with the pressure of the week. Parents will be informed of the results on their children’s written, end of year reports.
Music Lessons – resume as normal next week. (Please remember to label your child’s music equipment.)
Sports Day – Key Stage 1: Tuesday 8th July 1.30 – 3.15pm.
Key Stage 2: Tuesday 8th July 9.15 – 12noon.
The Key Stage 1 event will take place on the school field.
The Key Stage 2 event will be over on the Langtree field. There will be more details nearer the time.
Both events are subject to the weather and may have to be changed at short notice.
School Field – you may have noticed a red flag by the school’s field. When the flag is out, this is a reminder that the field is out of bounds and should be kept clear. This may be due to wet weather, examinations taking place in the Langtree Sports Hall or just that there is no supervision available for the children.
Medical Appointments – please ensure that, wherever possible, medical appointments for your children are made out of school time ie after school or in the holidays. If your child needs to be absent for an unavoidable appointment, please bring the appointment card to the office for our records.
Staff changes – sadly at the end of this term Mr Morris (Year 5) will be retiring and Mrs Farrant (Foundation) will be leaving to move closer to family. Interviews will be taking place next week for their replacements and we will inform you of the successful candidates who will be starting in September 2014.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 16th May 2014
KS2 Disco – Tonight! 6.30pm until 7.30pm. £3 per child, £6 per family.
Thank You – To everyone who baked for, helped at and attended the coffee shop. We raised a very respectable £160….and to all of the pub walk Ladies, who raised around £180 last Friday…and finally to the Red Lion Pub for laying on a splendid selection of sandwiches and chips at the end of our walk.
Dress Down – There will be NO dress down on the last day of term (May 23rd) as Willow Class have a school trip and therefore will have to be in uniform. Instead this will take place on Friday 6th June. If your child wishes to take part they will need to bring a bottle of any kind suitable for the bottle tombola at the summer fair – please make sure any items donated will still be within their ‘use by date’ on the 28th June.
Summer Fair – Don’t forget Saturday June 28th. If you are willing and able to help out on the day or with planning or organisation beforehand please email fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk
Class Cake Sale – Friday 23rd May. Ash and Rowan Class will be having their Class cake sale after school. Plates will be handed out next week.