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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 14th July 2017

Whole School News


Sports Day Results

What a fabulous event.  Thank you to all those parents who gave such positive feedback to the staff and children.

The scores were as follows:

5th 182 points Red Kites

4th 221 points Owls

3rd 222 points Hawks

2nd 238 points Eagles

1st 259 points Kestrels.


This was announced in assembly on Monday morning and congratulations were given all round to everyone who took part.  Of course, there can be only one winner so the accolade goes to Kestrels this year.  Well done Kestrels!


Don’t forget that school closes on Friday at 1.00pm. A final newsletter for the year will be emailed as usual.


Reports came out this week so if you have not received yours yet please check your child’s book bag.


Class News

Oak Class

We had a fantastic time at Sutton Courtney. The children enjoyed making potions and building dens for their teddy bears. They also had a great time learning about what animals need to survive. Ask your child about the secret SWAF word.


Hornbeam Class

The children are all excited about the end of term and are looking forward to a well-deserved break. We have been continuing our computer work and have been practicing our comprehension skills.


Beech Class

Thank you for all the wonderful models of castles produced for our topic. We have been looking at the history of castles from early Mott and Bailey structures through to elaborate stone castles. Today we are history detectives at Wallingford Castle and we will base our work in the classroom next week on our findings.


Ash Class

We spent a memorable day digging in Pewsey Vale with Dr Leary and students from the University of Reading. We learnt a lot about Stone Age Britons and how archaeologists teach us about history.


Rowan Class

We have been perfecting our letter writing and hand writing skills. Mrs Bodeker has been encouraging us to perfect the presentation of our letters. In Science we played a ‘digestive obstacle’ game, learning how our digestive system works.


Maple Class

Maple Class have been finishing their charcoal drawings, inspired by the Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll. They have also been studying space and discussing their plans for the summer. They have been working hard on their assessments and are looking forward to the end of term!


Willow Class

Willow class are preparing for the end of their primary school education and looking forward to secondary school. Before they go, however, they have enjoyed a barbeque and sleepover on the school field.


 Sports News

This week our Lower KS2 swimming teams attended the Langtree Cluster Gala. It proved a popular event and our team were third overall, with notable places gained in the relay – we came second. The Olympic Value of courage was awarded to Samuel from year 4.


After School Club

As we head towards the summer holiday break I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the After School Club staff members for their support, dedication and enthusiasm since I took up the  post of Manager.


Although it has been nice to see the sun, the recent lower temperatures have given a welcome break from the heat. Our themes for the term have been pirates and the seaside and the colourful artwork has been enjoyed by both children and parents.

Please remember to complete and return the booking forms for places in September and also the updated registration form. Tuesday remains the popular day so early booking is recommended. You can leave a message on the After School Club mobile if you need to amend your September booking. We will respond to your message by text. From September tea will be served between

16.45 p.m. and 17.00 hrs. We are looking forward to plenty of exciting activities next term. Thank you for all your support.

Susan Kew – After School Club Manager


 FOWPS – Dress Down Day

Friday 21st July will be ‘Dress Down’ day. This is optional and if your child would be happy to participate and you are happy to make a donation of £1 to FOWPS we will be very grateful. All funds raised are used for school projects. Thank you.



Friday 14th July Clubs Finish
Monday 17th July Willow Class visit to Oxford Aqua Park
Tuesday 18th July Ash Class visit to Goring Heath Scout hut
Thursday 20th July Leavers Assembly – 9.30 a.m.


Beech and Willow Class at the Swan Upping ceremony Mapledurham House.

Friday 21st July Dress Down Day


End of Term 1 p.m.
