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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 12.9.13

School Photographs – On Tuesday 24th September the photographer will be in school to take photographs of all the children. Brothers and Sisters will be photographed together and individually and you will be able to choose which you would like to order when you receive your proofs.  If you have pre-school children who you would like included in your family photograph please come into the school hall at 8.30am. 


Willow and Maple classes will be swimming that morning so please make sure your child has a brush or comb with them to tidy up their hair after swimming.


Harvest Festival – A reminder that this is due to take place on Wednesday 2nd October at 9.15am.  If you have any boxes that you could bring in for this purpose please save them for us and bring them in nearer the date.  Also if you know of any elderly residents in Woodcote who would appreciate a box please let the school office know.


Morning Snack – Fruit is provided for children in Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes but unfortunately there is none available for children in the rest of the school.  Therefore if your child would like a morning snack, please send this in each day but remember that it should be a healthy snack, no crisps, sweets or chocolate bars.  Also nothing with nuts in as we have children with nut allergies.


Boxtops – Please keep bringing in your boxtops from the Nestlé cereals so we can obtain more free books for our classes.  We will send in the next batch of tokens at the end of September.


Morning Arrivals – Please be aware that the side gate by the Head’s office will be locked at 9am so we would please ask that all parents leave the school grounds by this time.  If, for any reason, your child is late coming into school then they will need to come through the front entrance and report to the school office.


Parents on school premises – Can I please remind parents that they should be dressed appropriately when coming onto the school premises and that smoking is not allowed.  Also we cannot allow animals to be brought into the playground.

Newsletter by email – If you would prefer to receive the weekly newsletter by email please let the school office know your email address.  You can also find the newsletter online on our school website


After School Club – The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 7th October starting at 7.30pm.  Please come along and if you are interested in joining the committee please let any of the ASC staff know.  It would be great to have more committee members.
