- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
‘Hoodwinked’ – thank you to all the children and the staff who worked so hard to produce the wonderful performances this week. Thank you to the parents for their support in providing costumes, practicing lines and songs with the children and coming to support them at the performances.
Sports day dates change – please note that the original date of 24th June has had to be cancelled as Year 6 children have been invited to a Taster Day at Langtree that day. A new date will be proposed at next week’s staff meeting and circulated to you in next week’s Newsletter. Sorry for any inconvenience.
New PE Shirts – as from September 2015 there will be a new blue polo shirt, with a ‘Woodcote’ logo on the back and front. This PE shirt is a far more practical colour and will create a smarter image for any children representing the school when participating in sporting events or competitions. The choice of sizes remain the same however due to the new design & addition logo, the price has increased to £7.75 per shirt, up to size ‘32’(10/11yrs), then £8.70 for sizes ‘34’(12yrs) to adult ‘S’. Please let Mrs Mason in the office know if you would like to pre-order a shirt. Orders will be sent off during W/c 18th May 2015.
We expect to phase these blue PE shirts in over the next 12 months. However, if your child is given the opportunity to represent the school in a sporting competition eg.cross country, athletics etc, we would expect them to wear this new PE shirt.
As from September, all children should be wearing the white polo shirt as their school uniform shirt. The old blue ones are no longer acceptable as part of the main uniform. Uniform order forms are available from the Foyer or on the school website.
After School Club OFSTED – after an inspection last week, the After School Club are pleased announce that they were awarded the status of ‘GOOD’. We are delighted that their hard work has been recognised.
Football Club – Rotherfield Football Club are looking for new players from current Year 6, to join our successful squad. They have three teams who play matches on a Saturday morning and aim to make the football fun, and include ANY ability of player. If you are interested, please email Ian McGowan on business.enhancersltd@gmail.com or call Ian on 07710 041 194.