- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
On Saturday 1st October, Helen H on behalf of FOWPS, organised and ran the first coffee shop of this school year.
We had a wonderful selection of delicious cakes from marble chocolate, carrot, coffee, victoria sponge, lemon loaf, banana and honey, to chocolate and other scrumptious colourful child friendly cupcakes and slices donated. A consistently busy morning meant we managed to be cleared out by 12:30!
It was great to see so many families, from school and the Woodcote community, come out in the soggy weather to eat cake and enjoy a hot drink.
Thank you to Helen H, Tanya, Katie, Krissy, Lou B, Rachel, Jo, Shelly, Helen S, Amanda, Zuza, Sam McD, Nella, and Tori for the delicious goodies and to Helen H, Helen B, Amanda L, Amanda N, Carla, Tanya , Liz, Jo, Steph and Shelly for setting up, serving, washing dishes and clearing away at the end. (Hopefully we’ve not missed anyone! )
When all was eaten, slurped and the last crumbs were cleared away, FOWPS has raised £165 for the school! Well done everyone.