- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
We need your help to make our Christmas fair a success. We are currently raising funds for, among other things, landscaping and turning the front of the school garden area into an outdoor learning zone, a clock for the playground, two whole school trips, class trips, and refurbishment of the girls toilets.
This year, we are aiming to create at least 7 hampers for the Christmas Fair raffle from the donations, depending on what we receive!
POSSIBLE hamper themes are as follows:
TOYS: small toys, puzzles etc
BATH PRODUCTS: new soaps, bath creams, bubble bath, face clothes, bath toys, bath salts, scented candles, product or spa vouchers …
CHOCOLATES: individual or boxes of chocolates (in date please)
NON-PERISHABLE FOODS: Jams, pickles, honey, relish , tins, sauces (in date please)
CHRISTMAS: decorations, lights, ornaments, wrapping paper, ribbons
MOVIE NIGHT: new unopened DVDs, popcorn, chocolates, cinema vouchers
TEATIME specialty teas and coffees, tea towels, mugs, biscuits
STATIONERY: pens, pencils, pencil cases, rulers, rubbers, glue, art supplies, note pads, sketch pads, felt tips, markers, stickers
SPORTS: football socks, balls, sport shirts , shorts, bats, racquets, sports bottles, sweat bands
BOOKS: NEW books for children or for adults, book vouchers, book marks
The items will then be sorted and the hampers created to be raffled off. We are happy to accept ribbons for decorating the hampers and baskets to be used as hamper bases.