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Woodcote Primary School


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  • Newsletter 23 September

    Fri 23 Sep 2016

    Thank You for your Harvest gifts

    A big thank you for sending in your food donations for our gift parcels. All the recipients were extremely grateful and we’ve been getting messages and cards all week saying how lovely it was to get our beautifully decorated boxes, lovely poems and food. Our year 6 class had a fun afternoon meeting them and giving out the gift boxes.

    All the children enjoyed attending the church service and sharing what they have been learning.


    Meet the Teacher

    The staff would like to say a big thank you to those who attended the Meet the Teacher events last week. It was good to see so many of you visit the school and take the opportunity to look round the classroom, pick up class newsletters and have a chat with staff.


    Class Cake Sale

    Year 1, Hornbeam and Year 6, Willow will be providing and serving some delicious cakes at their class cake sale which will take place on Friday, September 30th. Please support them by coming along to the playground shelter at pickup time and buying some cakes. All funds raised go directly to the classes involved.


    KS2 Swimming

    The Year 5 and 6 swimming lessons on the 28th September have been postponed. The lessons will take place on the 1st December instead.


    Menu change

    There has been a change to the Aspens’ menu for Thursday the 6th of October and Friday the 7th of October. Please check if you have already ordered and amend this to ensure your child gets the desired meal on the correct day.

    Thursday 6th will now be: Battered Fish and Chips or Roasted vegetable pasta bake followed by chocolate and pear pudding.

    Friday 7th will now be: Two fish and potato pie or quorn sausages with bubble and squeak mash and gravy followed by jam and coconut sponge and custard.

    Please note that the aspens packed lunches will remain the same -no change to these for the two days.


    FOWPS coffee shop

    It’s Coffee Shop time again at the community centre on 1st October from 10-12:30. If you can help on the day or bake a cake please email or speak to Helen Hurst.  Boards will be out to sign up on Monday.


     Playground safety

    Please note that scooters are NOT allowed to be ridden in the playground at any time. Please stop any children from riding their scooters into the playground during drop off and pick up times. For the safety of your child, don’t allow them to swing on, climb or run round the blue fence outside the year 4 and year 1classrooms. Thank you for your help in this regard.


     Touraid Mobile Phone Appeal

    Touraid is working to bring life-changing experiences to under-privileged children from countries in Africa.  30 young people, and their carers, are currently visiting the UK and staying with hosting families in order to provide them with a variety of experiences that will alter and hopefully inspire their lives in a positive and substantial way.

    To help with their fundraising they are collecting old, unloved mobile phones and laptops.  These can then be sold in Kenya and the monies used to support the Sure 24 orphanage in Nakuru.  If possible we would love these by Monday at the latest as they return to Kenya on Tuesday morning. These can be left with Alex Dowman or Mrs Rasmussen at school who have been hosting two of these boys.


    Woodcote Library is 25 years old.

    Help us to celebrate by dropping in to the library between 3-4pm on Saturday 1st October 2016 for a proper celebration. There will be refreshments and, of course, birthday cake!


    Langtree Kitchen Staff Vacancy

    There is a vacancy for a kitchen assistant at Langtree School kitchen for 25 hours per week Pay is minimum wage. Applicants must also be able to drive as you will be delivering meals to Stoke Row and serving at Checkendon Primary. Position begins on the 7th October 2016.

    Please contact Amanda on 01491 682 783 or email


    Woodcote Primary Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancy

    We currently have a vacancy for a Lunchtime supervisor. Hours required are 11:45-13:15 Monday to Friday, term time only. If you are interested please email or pop in to the office to collect an application form.


    Autism Workshop

    Autism Oxford are offering a Free workshop for Autistic people and families, people with learning disabilities, and professional or supporters. It will take place on Friday 7th October at Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Rd, Didcot OX11 7JN. Starting at 9:30 with refreshments, followed by the workshop between 10-2:30pm.


  • Newsletter 16 September

    Fri 16 Sep 2016

    Class Cake Sale

    Year 1, Hornbeam and Year 6, Willow will be providing and serving some delicious cakes at their class cake sale which will take place on Friday, September 30th. Please support them by coming along to the playground shelter at pickup time and buying some cakes. All funds raised go directly to the classes involved.


    School Photographs

    A reminder that Tempest Photography will be in school to take individual school photographs on Tuesday 20th September. Please ensure all children have the correct uniform for their photographs (white polo shirt, school sweatshirt or cardigan, plain hairbands). Parents with younger siblings are welcome to arrive in the school hall early, from 8:30, to have group photos done.


    Oxford School Challenge Half Marathon

    If your child would like to participate in this event, please return the slip below to allow them to train at lunch Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. First come first served as we are limited to 30 participants. Further information to follow.


    Lacrosse Club

    This club will start on Monday the 19th September after school, 3:15-4:15. This club is run by Premier Sport and runs for 12 weeks at a cost of £48. There are only 18 places available. All payment in a sealed, named envelope to the office or visit their website to book online. See the form, to be found in the foyer, for further details.  Please return the slips to the office.


    Harvest Festival

    On Monday the 19th September, the whole school will be celebrating Harvest at St Leonard’s church. Key stage one, Cabin preschool and Woodcote preschool will be having their celebration at 9:15 followed by Key stage two at 10:30.

    Please could you send any food donations for our harvest boxes, we’ll be collecting those in the school hall. We’d love to have parents attend the service but feel we need to warn you that there may not be sitting room for you. We kindly request that you wait for all the children to be seated before finding your own seat.


     Woodcote Library is 25 years old.

    Help us to celebrate by dropping in between 3-4pm on Saturday 1st October 2016 for a proper celebration. There will be refreshments and, of course, birthday cake!


    Henley Standard Photograph

    The Oak class photograph will be in published in The Henley Standard, next Friday the 23rd of September.


    Book Trust

    Book Trust has kindly sent a pack of books for each child in reception class. We hope all the Oak class children enjoy their new book.


    Running Club

    Mrs Bodeker’s Running Club runs from 8:00-8:30 on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Please come along and join in. This club is open to all year groups. Meet at school to register for each session.


    Mile Club

    Mrs Bodeker’s Lunchtime Mile club will be taking place 12:30-12:55 during Thursday lunch. Please fill in the slip to give your child permission to attend these sessions as they use the village green. Additional slips are available in the foyer.


    Langtree Kitchen Staff Vacancy

    There is a vacancy for a kitchen assistant at Langtree School kitchen for 25 hours per week Pay is minimum wage. Applicants must also be able to drive as you will be delivering meals to Stoke Row and serving at Checkendon Primary. Position begins on the 7th October 2016.

    Please contact Amanda on 01491 682 783 or email




    Mile Club – (please return to school office)


    My child……………………………………………………… would like to take part in the lunchtime running club  on  Thursdays 12.25pm – 12.55pm.


    I understand that my child will need a packed lunch on these days.



    Signed ……………………………………………………….Date…………………………….

  • Harvest Festival 2016

    Fri 16 Sep 2016

    On Monday 19th September, we will be celebrating our annual Harvest Festival. The children have been learning songs and enjoyed talking about harvest in their classes.  As part of the celebrations, we will be attending a service at St Leonard’s Church.

    A huge thank you to all those who have donated shoe boxes which will be used to package up our harvest gifts. The year six class has been decorating them and written some lovely poems to attach to the boxes once they are full of goodies.

    We have already begun to get some food brought in for which we are grateful. We will be collecting all further donations in the school hall on Monday morning before heading to the church for our harvest festival.


    Key stage one, Cabin preschool and Woodcote preschool will be having their celebration service at 9:15 followed by Key stage two at 10:30.


    We’d love to have parents attend the service but feel we need to warn you that there may not be sitting room for you. We kindly request that you wait for all the children to be seated before finding your own seat.


    After the service we will be packaging up the donations in our beautifully decorated boxes and delivering within the Woodcote community.

  • Friends Of Woodcote Primary (FOWPS)

    Mon 12 Sep 2016

    Friends Of Woodcote Primary (FOWPS) welcomes all new families to the school!

    My name is Carla, I am mum to 3 children at WPS and also the Chairperson of the PTA. We have a fantastic core committee which includes Rachael Homer as Secretary and Rorie Tomlinson as Treasurer.


    For those of you who are unsure of what the PTA is all about, basically we aim to raise money for equipment that the school cannot purchase within their budgets. So at the beginning of each school year staff members decide upon a wish list.


    Last year the PTA donated £9860.46  towards the Oak play area Canopy, classroom cameras, the Yr 6 cinema trip, Playground markings, The Punch and Judy show, PE storage equipment, coaches for the whole school outing to the seaside and the Oak class Sutton Courtenay trip. The PTA also fund the “enhancing activities” at the school e.g. discos, Christmas activities, contributing to trips etc.

    Every half term we hold a PTA meeting which everyone is very welcome to attend, and are normally held at a committee members’ home.


    This gives us an opportunity to discuss forthcoming events, wish list and ideas. We would be glad to see new faces at any meeting and we are all really friendly and it’s a great way to meet other parents.

    Throughout the year we organise events to raise funds for various projects. Some of these include a Christmas fair, school discos, the Auction of Promises, a wine tasting evening, dress down days, and the summer fair. We also provide refreshments at class concerts and events. We also support individual class fundraising by assisting with the organising of Cake sales, held each half term.


    We are an extremely successful PTA, raising over £10672.22 last year. This is only possible with the support and help of parents.

    We have a group of parents who are “Happy Helpers 

    ”, those who are happy to help out for an hour or two on a stall or at an event, wrapping up etc. but don’t wish to organise or come along to the committee meetings. These really are the backbone to the PTA so please do let us know if you are interested in becoming a happy helper. You can email us on


    There will also be a PTA table in the hall on parent evenings which will have a list on if you would rather sign up to “Happy Helpers  

    ” there. All parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles are more than welcome to join the merry band.

    The PTA runs the school Facebook page too. This includes details on events plus other useful messages; it would be great if you could ‘like’ it? Again it’s a great resource for new school updates, reminders about forthcoming events, and to find out what’s happening on the PTA. Finally, we all know how it feels to be a new parent at school, and I remember what it was like so if you have any general questions about school life then please also do come and find me or any other member of the PTA on the playground.


    Ultimately the events we run are extremely rewarding, good fun and very social!

    Many thanks. Chair of FOWPS. Woodcote Primary PTA

  • Newsletter 9 September 2016

    Fri 09 Sep 2016

    Dear Parents,

    Welcome back to a new academic year and to all our new starters in not only Foundation Stage but throughout the school. We hope you all settle in very quickly.


     Woodcote Summer Festival – this weekend sees the village host the ever popular Summer Festival. Saturday 10th Sept  from 12pm – 5pm in the Village Hall. There will be a variety of stalls, activities and entertainment to keep everyone busy. Children from Woodcote Primary School Choir (year 2 – year 6) will be singing so please meet Mrs Hunt at the back of the village hall by the staging at 12 noon. Please wear a school sweatshirt over the top of your clothes for the performance.


    Parent/Teacher evening –We would like to invite you to meet your child’s teacher and see what is coming up this year.  We will be holding two half hour sessions on Thursday 15th of September:  at 3.30pm and at 6.30pm.  Both meetings will be informal and exactly the same so there is no need to attend both.  Please come along to the session that you find the easiest to attend.  Children are welcome to attend with you.  For those that cannot make it, a class newsletter will be distributed on the Friday.  Could you please let the office know if you would like to attend the later event at 6.30pm so we have an idea of numbers?


    Parent’s Evenings – these will be held on Tuesday October 18th (3.30- 7.00) and Thursday October 20th (3.30 – 6.00).  Please put these dates in your diary.  Each class will have appointments on both evenings and appointment sheets will be provided nearer the time.


    Tempest Photography –Tempest will be coming into school on Tuesday 20th September during the morning. Please ensure children have the correct uniform for their photographs (white polo shirt, school sweatshirt or cardigan, plain hair bands). Parents with younger siblings are welcome to arrive in the school hall early, from 8.30am, to have group photos done.


    Craft Club – Susanne Craft will be starting her craft club again this term but this time on a Wednesday after school from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. Start date Wednesday 14th September. Registration forms are now available (see attached or the foyer for paper copies.) Complete a form and return it to the school office as soon as possible please if your child would like to take part.


    Street Dance – new registration forms are available in the foyer for this Friday morning club, starting at 8am -8.30am on Friday 23rd September. Please return them by Wednesday 21stSeptember. Numbers are limited.


    Netball Club – Mrs Lesley Crockett will be starting her Friday morning (8am-8.30am) netball club for children in Year 5 & Year 6. Please complete the form below or collect a slip from the foyer. The Club will start on Friday 23rd September 2016 if there are enough members. Please check with the office if your child has a place.


    Afternoon Netball Club – Mrs Bodeker is offering to run a netball club for children in years 3 & 4. It will be on Tuesday afternoons from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. There are only 15 spaces for this club so please return the slip below as soon as you possible. Please check with Mrs Bodeker if your child has a place and when the club will start.

    Running Clubs – the early morning running club with Mrs Bodeker and Dr Sudbury will start on Monday 12th September at 8am-8.30am. Children can register with Mrs Bodeker at the front of the school as they arrive for each session they attend. Once the children have finished, they change into their school uniform in the school hall under Mrs Bodeker’s supervision, then onto class.


    Guitar Tuition – lessons are available from Go Guitar. For more details please see the registration form attached or a copy is available in the Foyer.


    Cross Country – the fixtures list is now available. Please see Mrs Bodeker if you would like a copy.


    Medical forms – if your child needs to have an inhaler in school please complete a medical permission form attached or collect one from the foyer. A copy of the completed form goes to the class and another on your child’s file. Please note that it is the parent’s responsibility to note when inhalers etc. are out of date. Please make a note of the expiry date.


    Safeguarding – please can we ask that parents remember to close the front door once they have come in or left the building. This is to ensure the safety of all the children and staff alike. Thank you.


    Yr 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mrs Crockett – Fridays 8am – 8.30am

    I give my permission for my child……………………………………………………………………to take part in the morning Netball Club with Mrs Crockett. Club starts Friday 23rd September.

    Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………

    Printed …………………………………………………………………………………….



    Yr 3& 4 Netball Club with Mrs Bodeker – Tuesday afternoons 3.15pm-4.15pm

    I give my permission for my child……………………………………………………………………to take part in the afternoon Netball Club with Mrs Bodeker.

    Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………

    Printed …………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Welcome back to the new school year

    Mon 05 Sep 2016

    Welcome back to the new school year.  I hope everyone had a fabulous summer break and that you are all ready to start the year with new energy and excitement.


    I am delighted to welcome Mrs Hetherton to the teaching team.  Mrs Hetherton previously worked as a health care nurse before coming into teaching.   We are all pleased to have her on the team and look forward to a great year ahead.


    We have some exciting improvement projects planned for the year including the replacement of the old planters outside the Annex block.  I will keep you informed as things progress.


    Opportunity to “Meet the Teacher”

    We would like to invite you to meet your child’s teacher and see what is coming up this year.  We will be holding two half hour sessions on Thursday 15th of September:  at 3.30pm and at 6.30pm.  Both meetings will be informal and exactly the same so there is no need to attend both.  Please come along to the session that you find the easiest to attend.  Children are welcome to attend with you.  For those that cannot make it, a class newsletter will be distributed on the Friday.  Could you please let the office know if you would like to attend the later event at 6.30pm so we have an idea of numbers?


    Early date for your diary:

    Our first formal Parent’s Evening this year will be on Tuesday October 18th (3.30- 7.00) and Thursday October 20th (3.30 – 6.00).  Please put these dates in your diary.  Each class will have appointments on both evenings and appointment sheets will be provided nearer the time.


    Goodbye and good luck!

    It is with mixed emotion that I also must inform you of the following news.  There is no easy way to break it other than to simply say that Mrs Mason has been offered another job.  I am extremely sad for Woodcote School but delighted for Mrs Mason.  She will be moving on to work as the PA to the Finance Director at Queen Anne’s School in Caversham.  Mrs Mason’s last day with us will therefore be this Friday – 9th of September.


    I know that all of you will want to join us in wishing her the very best of luck.  She will be missed by everyone.  We hope she will keep in touch and come to join us at events and celebrations in the future.

    We will, consequently, be looking for a new school secretary. Alison will be difficult to replace. I will keep you informed of progress.  In the interim, please bear with us.


    Kind regards,

    Liz Hunt

