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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 28.2.13

Scholastic Book Fair – We would like to thank everyone for their support of the Book Fair held in the school. 
The Book Fair enables us to claim 50% of the sales taken as commission so we have been able to claim a marvellous £382 to use on buying new books for the school.


Open Evening – We hope parents enjoyed the KS2 Parents Evening this week. We had a wonderful display of work from years 3-6 pupils from the whole school topic ‘War and Peace’ and some fantastic interactive displays for parents.  It was great to see so many parents attend.  A big thank you to all the staff and the children for their preparation for this evening, and to FOWPS for providing refreshments.


Book Week – On the back of this newsletter is our programme for Book Week next week which shows that the children will be taking part in numerous activities during the week.  This has also been put on our website.


Parents Evenings – These will be held during week commencing 11th March as follows.  Please sign up on the lists which will be in the school hall from Monday next week.  Please allow time between appointments if you have more than one child.

Willow, Maple, Hornbeam, Beech and Oak classes – Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th March starting at 3.30pm except for Maple class which will start at 3.50pm on Wednesday due to a school trip.

Rowan and Ash classes – Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th March starting at 3.30pm


Ofsted Interim Assessment – We have received a letter from Ofsted informing us that our interim assessment shows that the school’s performance has been sustained and that the next full inspection will not take place any earlier than the summer term 2014.  The letter has been put onto our school website if you wish to read it or alternatively we have copies available in the school office.


Lunchtime Supervisor – The school has a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor. If you, or someone you know, would like to apply for this position please ask in the school office for more details and an application form.


Nestlé Box Tops – If you have any of these tokens could you please bring them into school soon as these need to be sent off by the end of March.


Extra Activities – Could all parents please note that if your child is booked into After School Club, Music lessons, French lessons or any other activity and will not be there for a session or will be late back due to school trips etc. you must inform the activity organiser of this.  It is not the responsibility of the school office to do this.
