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Woodcote Primary School


Headteacher’s Newsletter

Another academic year amazingly draws to a close already. It has been a pleasure to work with your children here at Woodcote School this term and I very much look forward to our new ventures in the Autumn.


Sadly we say goodbye to four members of staff, I wish Mr Morris the very best of retirements, Mrs Lecorgne my best wishes for her new goals, Miss McLaughlin for her new house move and Mrs Farrant for her teaching role in her new school as she too moves north. We will miss them all. They have provided so much of their time, energy and expertise to the school over the last few years that it seems hard to picture what we will do without them.


We will welcome a new and exciting team to Woodcote in the Autumn, Miss Beesley, Mrs Wornham, Mrs Crockett, Mr Odell and now Mrs McGinty into year 2 – sadly Mrs Sarah Hart was offered a full-time job elsewhere! Mrs McGinty has good references and has been in to meet the children. I am sure she will make a good addition to the team whilst we await the arrival of Miss Mayell. Miss Allen is getting married and will return as Mrs Welsh I hope she has a wonderful day and a relaxing honeymoon.


In September

You will find your child brings home a reading diary. This is intended to be brought in and out of school each day. We hope that, as you read each evening with your child, you will write a comment in the book. Each child will be heard reading their book at least once a week with an adult in school and you should receive a comment from them. This will be in addition to the guided reading work your child does with their teacher each week. I hope that this partnership in reading will work successfully throughout the school.


Every child in year 4 will be taught music through playing the clarinet. This will enable them to learn how to read music and play as part of an ensemble. The clarinet will be provided for you from the County Music Service and the lessons will be as a whole class in school time. This is a compulsory part of the music provision we intend to provide at Woodcote School. If your child then decides to take this forward after the year, information on how to continue will be given to parents towards the end of the year. If you would like to help with reading in your child’s class, could you pop into the office and let us know.


The year 6 children will be offered the chance to sing in a massed choir in the 02 Arena in London. I hope this will be a success and become an annual trip. The concert will be held on January 30th – so keep the date because parents are invited! More details next term.

As you return in September you should hopefully notice some changes to the appearance of the building. We intend to have a new fire door placed in the back of the hall, the Annex block to be redecorated, display boards put up in Oak and Hornbeam classes and the blue external doors to these classes painted.   We had hoped to set up a good wireless network around the school but have not yet secured a suitable agreement so this will take place over the next few months we hope.


Can I please remind parents that black shoes and not trainers or open-toed sandals are required as part of the school uniform. Please ensure that your child has suitable footwear for the start of term.

From September could children refrain from riding their scooters or bikes on to the playground in the morning or after school at peak times? There are so many people around I believe we have been very lucky that an accident has not yet occurred. Could they please dismount at the school gate and push their transport onto the playground and wait until they have left the premises before climbing back aboard! Thank you for your support with this.


Some early dates for your dairy –

September 10th7.30 – 8-30 pm we will hold an informal “Meet the Teacher” meeting where you are very welcome to drop in to the classroom, pick up your curriculum newsletter and ask any questions you may have in an informal environment.


September 17th 6.30pm we will hold an SEN briefing for parents. At this meeting Mrs Welsh (Miss Allen) will provide parents with an overview of the changes to provision and expectations for children with Special Educational Needs. Any parents, whether with SEN pupils or not, are welcome to attend if interested.


I hope that by giving parents 7-8 weeks notice, those who need to arrange childcare or perhaps leave early from work will have time to make arrangements.


May I take this opportunity to wish the year 6 pupils the very best of futures as they move on to the next stage in their education. I hope they take with them many fond memories of their years here and remember them as “ the best days of their lives” . It has been a pleasure to get to know them and I have every confidence that the education they have received here will set them off well as they progress through their secondary schools.


I hope each and every one of you has a fabulous summer break. Thank you for all your support and good wishes during my first term. I look forward to welcoming you all back in September, refreshed, relaxed and ready for the exciting new year ahead.

Kind regards,

Liz Hunt
