- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
‘Sound Fruit’ Workshop – Arriving unannounced at the school last Thursday were two rather strange visitors, Doc Squabbles and his colleague Dominic Cheeseroast. They arrived during the morning assembly to announce that they were searching for a lost poppycock egg, all that remains from an extinct species of bird that fed on the fruits of the fabled sound fruit tree. This tree was believed to have stood somewhere in the school grounds over 400 years ago, before it was rather inconsiderately cut down by a man called Derek who used it to make tea pots (needless to say the idea did not catch on!). After a surprisingly brief search of the school grounds, Miss Holly Bassett in Year 4 discovered the lost egg, which has since been incubating in the mobile Daydream Harvest Machine that you may have seen parked in the playground. With help from children and staff at the school, Dr Squabbles and Mr Cheeseroast have been able to suck-up and synthesise sound fruit using their curious sound hoovering devices. This involved the children creating improvised sound fruits using junk as well as searching the village for interesting sound-fruit-scapes. With the egg due to hatch any day (probably this afternoon) it is hoped that the sound fruit created will feed the poppycock and bring it to life once more. Do come along this afternoon at 3pm to see and hear this magnificent bird and search for the sound fruit growing in the garden outside the main entrance. The sound fruits created by the children have also been hung from a cloud which you can visit by clicking here or visiting https://soundcloud.com/richard-creative-people/sets/woodcote-soundscapes You may also want to test your local sound knowledge by clicking here and listening carefully to the sound-fruit-scapes which the children hoovered-up (answers in next week’s newsletter).
Thank you – to Richard Bentley and Nick Garnett (aka Doc Squabbles and Dominic Cheeseroast) for all of their wonderful work with the children over the last week. Discovering the huge variety of sounds in the environment around them has been truly enlightening. The children have been fascinated by how they have been able to create ‘sound fruit’ using the most bizarre tools eg the pots, pans and bits of old metal gathered.
Sports Day – Tuesday 23 June. KS 2 will use the Langtree Sports field from 9.15am – 11.45am.
KS 1 will hold their Sports on our field from 1.15pm – 3pm.
Please come along to support your children. The children will need to be prepared for good or bad weather so please ensure they have either sun cream already applied, sun hats, water bottles or, in the case of bad weather, a coat. If the weather is very poor we will reschedule for Friday 26 June.
Warwick Castle Trip – the children had a fantastic time yesterday at the castle. We were so lucky with the weather. Thank you very much to the parents that came to support their children’s classes. Photos will be on the website soon.
Year 6 Residential – the Willow Class children & staff have had a wonderful week. They have challenged themselves each day with some great physical activities from giant swings, climbing, abseiling, quad biking & vertical challenges. Mrs Wornham has posted a variety of photos on the website that gives you an idea of what they have been doing and how much fun they have all had. They are due back today 5.30 – 6pm.
Class Photos – on Thursday 18th June a Tempest photographer will be in to take whole class photos. White polo shirts or school summer dresses with school sweatshirts or cardigans to be worn.
GKR Karate – please see attached flier for Beginners Groups.
INSET day – please be reminded of the INSET day on Friday 3 July.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 12th June 2015 – PTO
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 12th June 2015 fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk
School Disco – Friday 19th June. This will follow the same format as last time with KS1 5.30-6.30pm and KS2 6.45-7.45pm. If you are able to help with either of these sessions, please drop us an email. Thank you.
‘Wimbledon’ Summer Fair – Friday June 26th 5 – 8pm. There are collection bags in all of the classrooms so please don’t forget to bring in your contributions for jolly jars, the bottle tombola and raffle prizes. There will be rewards for the class who bring in the most!
Woodcote Rally – If you are able to help out as a marshal at the rally on behalf of the school please email us. Last year we received a very generous donation of £750, partly in reflection of our ongoing supply of helpers.
Fundraising – Please keep filling the clothes bank just inside the school gate. Between November and March it raised £207 for us. Also, last month’s ladies pub walk raised £218. Thank you to everyone involved! All of this money helps us to support the school in many different ways.
Committee Members – If you are thinking about joining the FOWPS committee (or even if you would like to know a bit more about us) please email. We will be looking for new members in the autumn at our AGM.