- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Thank you – and well done to all the staff and children, who worked very hard to produce their wonderful Nativity performances over the last week. We had fantastic feedback from parents and family. A ‘Thank you’ to FOWPS as well for providing the refreshments after the performances.
Aspens Christmas Meal – Wednesday 16th December – all orders should be done by today – 11thDecember 2015. Any orders made after this date should be done via Amanda at Langtree Aspens Canteen to check if the order can be taken. Amanda needs to place orders based on figures from today. Website address – http://www.aspens-services.co.uk/schools/pri-woodcote.php Tel: 01491 682 783
Key Stage 2 Carols – Tuesday 15th December – 7pm in the school hall. Parents are invited to come along and hear the children sing a variety of carols and Christmas Songs. There will be standing room only and with the necessary attention being paid to the fire safety regulations, this will restrict numbers to approximately 2 to 3 people per family being able to come along. Children need to be back in school for 6.30pm for preparations. FOWPS will be selling refreshments, mulled wine and minced pies, after the performance. They will also be selling Woodcote Primary School fabric carrier bags – £1.00 each. Please note that parking may be difficult as Langtree have an event on the same evening.
Swimming Lessons – from January to March 2016, Beech, Rowan and Ash Classes have swimming lessons. Lessons will be starting on the first week back in January. Please return your completed permission slips (and payment for Beech Class) to the school office by the next Friday 18th December.
ParentPay – today your child should be bringing home a letter regarding the introduction of ParentPay. Please let the office know if you don’t receive it.
Race for Life – Well done to those Woodcote children who took part in the first Goring and Streatley Race for Life in November. A fantastic £953.76 was raised! There will be more opportunities for young runners at the Goring 10K on Sunday 13th March 2016 and the Hairy Legs on Sunday 8th May.
Iinkai Judo Club – restarts Thursday 14th January Forms available in Foyer
Running Club – restarts Monday 11th January – Permission slips for new runners only.
Street Dance Club – Dates to be confirmed by Sarah Davern in New Year |
End of term/ Dress Down day – Friday 18th December. School will finish at 1pm. Please note that there will be no After School Club. If your children wish to come to school in home clothes please bring in £1.00 donation to their class teacher for FOWPS. It is an optional event.
FOWPS end of term Newsletter to be posted separately on the school website – http://www.woodcote-primary.co.uk/