- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Friday 3 July – INSET Day
Year 5 & Year 6 Production (Olivia) – thank you to all the children and staff for putting on such a fantastic production on Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon. Feedback from parents has been extremely positive and very complimentary to both staff and children. Well done.
Year 6 Leavers BBQ and Final Assembly – there will be a Leavers BBQ for Year 6 children and their parents on Wednesday 15 July at 6.30pm and a Final Assembly for the school and the Year 6 parents on Thursday 16 July from 9.30am. Further details will follow from the Class.
Piano tuition –please find attached information from Michael Davies, of MJ Music Services, informing parents about the availability of piano lessons and a special offer for new subscribers. This includes free tuition books and a practice diary, plus 1 free lesson per term for the first 3 terms.
Challenge Summer Reading – Woodcote Library are holding a Summer Reading Challenge Record Breakers 2015. The challenge is to read 6 library books, between Saturday 11th July and Saturday 12th September, collecting rewards as you work your way around the different categories. Ask at the library for your Record Breakers poster to start your journey. Visit their website www.recordbreakers.org.uk
Iinkai Judo – the last session this term takes place on Thursday 2 July. The new sessions start on Thursday 24th September 2015.
End of term – the end of the school year is on Friday 17th July at 1pm. There will be no After School Club.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Thursday 2 July 2015
School Disco – Raised just over £300. Thank you to everyone who helped.
‘Wimbledon’ Summer Fair – Thank you to everyone who helped to make it such a fabulous event. Special thanks to Eileen and Claire who organised the pony rides and brought along their own ponies. We will keep you posted as to the total amount raised once all of the costs are in.
100 Club – Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Duff who won the special summer prize of £200. If you haven’t yet joined and would like to please email FOWPS for a form.
Dress Down – Friday 17th July will be a dress down day. If your child would like to join in they should bring in £1 on the day and hand it to their teacher.
Woodcote Rally – If you are able to help out as a marshal at the rally on behalf of the school please email us. (fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk) Last year we received a very generous donation of £750, partly in reflection of our ongoing supply of helpers.
Committee Members – If you are thinking about joining the FOWPS committee (or even if you would like to know a bit more about us) please email. We will be looking for new members in the autumn at our AGM.