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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter – Friday 5th May 2017

Class News

 Year 5 – Maple Class

A huge thank you to all Maple class pupils and parents who donated small change during our

Eid-al-fitr celebration at the end of last term’s RE week. When Ramadan is over, Muslims donate money to charity during their Eid celebration. The money that we collected in Maple class will buy lunch bowls for school children in Kenya enabling them to eat their lunch together and not wait for bowls to be washed before being re-used. This will mean that they have more time for learning. There is now a box in Maple class for people to leave their small change in it if they wish.


Also, a big pat on the back for an amazing effort from Maple class pupils (and parents) with their ‘Maths Games’ project homework. The games are cleverly planned and designed and offer fantastic learning opportunities as well as being great fun to play!  They are hoping to tour the school with the games soon.


SATs Tests

Year 6 will be sitting their SATs test next week. We want to wish them all ‘Good Luck’ and to say how proud we are of them.



Chess club will start again on Monday 8th May.


Team Sports

 Year 5/6 Tennis Tournament

Seven teams in the cluster played ‘Orange Tennis’ for the Sainsbury’s Kite award. The games were closely contested and although we didn’t win any of our matches our team never lost their determination and sense of fair play. The Olympic values of determination and fair play were awarded by Langtree staff to George.


 Sports Day

We are awaiting confirmation from  Langtree School to finalise a date when we can use their field for our Sports Day. It needs to fit around their exams, as usual. As soon as we have a firm date we will let you know.


Morning Registration

The school gate opens at 8.40 a.m. and remains open until 9 a.m. to allow parents time to leave the school premises, but please ensure that your child is in their class by 8.50 a.m.


 Term Dates – 2017


Term 5
Monday 24th April – Friday 26th May
Late Spring Holiday
Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Term 6
Monday 5th June – Friday 21st July – 1 p.m.

INSET Day – Wednesday 5th July



The Auction of Promises starts tonight at 7.30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at this fundraising event.

Have a great weekend.
