- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Class Notices
Rowan Class
Year 4 have been writing adventure stories with excellent results, they have also enjoyed continuing with their work on the artist Matisse. We would love you to come and have a look at the children’s work.
Maple Class
Year 5 have been making great progress with their ‘Curiosity Club’ work. The ‘Curiosity Club’ students undertake challenges as they choose their own journey through 3000 years of history. They travel along and hop between lines that represent Science, Culture, Rights, Sports, Nature and History. A huge thank you to all the Year 5 parents for supporting the children in this venture.
Willow Class
The Year 6 class go to Wittingham Clumps on the morning of Monday 22nd May. We hope the sun shines for them.
School Notices
When you drop off and pick up your children at school please could you ensure that the younger children are not climbing on the pirate ship or on the climbing frame. We have had a couple of incidents where young children are on the equipment unsupervised. Also children must push their bikes through the playground and not ride them. Thank you for your co-operation.
School Uniform
In some of the classes children are not wearing the correct uniform. We would like to remind parents that children should be wearing standard school uniform, without frills and variations. Dresses should be royal/light blue in colour and jump suits are not part of the school uniform. Thank you.
Sports News
On Thursday of this week Mrs Bodeker took a team to the Quad Kids Athletics at Langtree School. This event incorporated a throw/vortex, 50m sprint, 400m run and a standing long jump. The team performed extremely well and secured a place in the second round which will be held at St Birinus on Tuesday 13th June. Connor jumped a mighty 1.8m and was awarded joint first. Vaughan was Best Boy and Amelie was Best Girl. Well done also to Emma, Adam, Toby, Eleni, Kiera, Finlay, Alice and Ben.
Yoga Club – Year 5 and 6 Pupils
Miss Ouellette will be starting a Yoga club for any interested children in Year 5 and 6. The club will start on Wednesday 7th June from 3.15 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Miss Ouellette is a member of the British Wheel of Yoga. The club aims to introduce children to a variety of Yoga poses and their benefits in a fun and exciting way. All mats will be provided by Miss Ouellette. If your child is interested please let the office know before half-term.
Half Term
We break up on Friday 26th May. Please note that the school day will finish at the normal time
Have a good weekend.