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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter February 24th

World Book Day Thursday March 2nd

We are looking forward to the school being filled with colourful costumes and characters to celebrate World Book Day next Thursday. Please remind your child to bring to school the book that they have used as inspiration for their character and costume. If your child has a swimming lesson on Thursday they can bring their costume into school and change into it after the session. World Book Day vouchers have been given out to the class’s today so check in coat pockets and book bags.


PE kit

Some children are coming into school without a complete PE kit. Could you please make sure that all kit is appropriate and fully functional. If your daughter wears tights to school please ensure that PE socks are in their sports bag. Thank you.


Maths Calculation Policy

The Maths showcases were really successful and we have had a number of parents requesting a copy of the Calculation policy. This can also be found on the Parent Portal of the website. We hope it supports your knowledge and understanding of how Maths is taught in school.


Parent’s Evenings

Monday March 6th – 3.30 p.m. – 7 p.m. – All year groups.

Wednesday March 8th 3.30 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Year 6 only.

Thursday March 9th 3.30 p.m. – 6 p.m. – All year groups except Year 6.

Sign up lists will be available in school next week.


Book Fair

We will be running a Book Fair from Tuesday March 7th to Tuesday March 14th.


Year 6 Residential

Mrs Wornham will be holding a meeting on Thursday 6th April at 6.30 p.m. to discuss arrangements for the Year 6 Residential. A reminder that you can pay for this trip in instalments on Parent Pay, all payments need to be in by Friday April 7th please.


Year 3 trip to Oxford Botanic Gardens

To support science lessons, Mrs Peacock’s class enjoyed a trip to the Oxford Botanic Gardens last Wednesday. They visited the Glasshouses and the Biomes and enjoyed exploring the diversity of the plant world.
