- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a new academic year and to all our new starters in not only Foundation Stage but throughout the school. We hope you all settle in very quickly.
Woodcote Summer Festival – this weekend sees the village host the ever popular Summer Festival. Saturday 10th Sept from 12pm – 5pm in the Village Hall. There will be a variety of stalls, activities and entertainment to keep everyone busy. Children from Woodcote Primary School Choir (year 2 – year 6) will be singing so please meet Mrs Hunt at the back of the village hall by the staging at 12 noon. Please wear a school sweatshirt over the top of your clothes for the performance.
Parent/Teacher evening –We would like to invite you to meet your child’s teacher and see what is coming up this year. We will be holding two half hour sessions on Thursday 15th of September: at 3.30pm and at 6.30pm. Both meetings will be informal and exactly the same so there is no need to attend both. Please come along to the session that you find the easiest to attend. Children are welcome to attend with you. For those that cannot make it, a class newsletter will be distributed on the Friday. Could you please let the office know if you would like to attend the later event at 6.30pm so we have an idea of numbers?
Parent’s Evenings – these will be held on Tuesday October 18th (3.30- 7.00) and Thursday October 20th (3.30 – 6.00). Please put these dates in your diary. Each class will have appointments on both evenings and appointment sheets will be provided nearer the time.
Tempest Photography –Tempest will be coming into school on Tuesday 20th September during the morning. Please ensure children have the correct uniform for their photographs (white polo shirt, school sweatshirt or cardigan, plain hair bands). Parents with younger siblings are welcome to arrive in the school hall early, from 8.30am, to have group photos done.
Craft Club – Susanne Craft will be starting her craft club again this term but this time on a Wednesday after school from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. Start date Wednesday 14th September. Registration forms are now available (see attached or the foyer for paper copies.) Complete a form and return it to the school office as soon as possible please if your child would like to take part.
Street Dance – new registration forms are available in the foyer for this Friday morning club, starting at 8am -8.30am on Friday 23rd September. Please return them by Wednesday 21stSeptember. Numbers are limited.
Netball Club – Mrs Lesley Crockett will be starting her Friday morning (8am-8.30am) netball club for children in Year 5 & Year 6. Please complete the form below or collect a slip from the foyer. The Club will start on Friday 23rd September 2016 if there are enough members. Please check with the office if your child has a place.
Afternoon Netball Club – Mrs Bodeker is offering to run a netball club for children in years 3 & 4. It will be on Tuesday afternoons from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. There are only 15 spaces for this club so please return the slip below as soon as you possible. Please check with Mrs Bodeker if your child has a place and when the club will start.
Running Clubs – the early morning running club with Mrs Bodeker and Dr Sudbury will start on Monday 12th September at 8am-8.30am. Children can register with Mrs Bodeker at the front of the school as they arrive for each session they attend. Once the children have finished, they change into their school uniform in the school hall under Mrs Bodeker’s supervision, then onto class.
Guitar Tuition – lessons are available from Go Guitar. For more details please see the registration form attached or a copy is available in the Foyer.
Cross Country – the fixtures list is now available. Please see Mrs Bodeker if you would like a copy.
Medical forms – if your child needs to have an inhaler in school please complete a medical permission form attached or collect one from the foyer. A copy of the completed form goes to the class and another on your child’s file. Please note that it is the parent’s responsibility to note when inhalers etc. are out of date. Please make a note of the expiry date.
Safeguarding – please can we ask that parents remember to close the front door once they have come in or left the building. This is to ensure the safety of all the children and staff alike. Thank you.
Yr 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mrs Crockett – Fridays 8am – 8.30am
I give my permission for my child……………………………………………………………………to take part in the morning Netball Club with Mrs Crockett. Club starts Friday 23rd September.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………
Printed …………………………………………………………………………………….
Yr 3& 4 Netball Club with Mrs Bodeker – Tuesday afternoons 3.15pm-4.15pm
I give my permission for my child……………………………………………………………………to take part in the afternoon Netball Club with Mrs Bodeker.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………
Printed …………………………………………………………………………………….