- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Happy New Year. Welcome back – to a New Year and a new term. We also welcome Mrs Helen Pearson, our new Year 2 Teacher, Mrs Rebecca Mayell, a Teacher who will be working with children across the school this term, and Mrs Rachel Hall who has started with Oak Class this week as their new Teaching Assistant.
OFSTED Report – we are all delighted with our grading of ‘Good’ from OFSTED. A copy of the report was emailed out to you on Tuesday this week. A number of paper copies are available in the Foyer to read. Thank you to the parents who sent in their congratulations and support.
Swimming lessons – Beech Class will have swimming lessons at the Oratory Prep School pool, starting from next Friday. Ash and Rowan Classes will walk up to the newly opened Oratory Sports Centre pool as from Thursday next week. Please remember to send your children with a waterproof coat and sensible shoes.
After School Pottery – This will start on Monday afternoon from 3.20-4.20pm. Please coordinate with Sarah Rushbrook, the pottery teacher. There are a few places left so if you wish to book a place please collect details from the foyer or email Sarah Rushbrook directly at sarahrushbrookc@btinternet.com as soon as possible.
Music for Schools – Alan Summers came in this week to demonstrate the range of instruments on offer for tuition with Music for Schools. If your child is interested in lessons please register by Tuesday 13th January to www.mfsf.org.uk or for more information to alan@mfsf.org.uk
School Closures – in the event of bad weather, usually snow, there is the possibility that the school would have to close. Every effort would be made to keep the school open but if insufficient members of staff can make it into work, then there would not be the appropriate numbers to safely look after the children.
Please look out for information about potential closures on our school website, the Oxfordshire County Council Schools website (https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/schools) and the following radio stations: Heart FM (102.9) Radio Oxford (95.2) and Jack FM (106.8).
Please also check if Langtree Secondary School is due to close, as this affects whether hot dinners will be provided to Woodcote Primary School. If Langtree close there will be no dinners provided and it would be necessary for you to provide your child with a home packed lunch. Their website is www.langtreeschool.com
Judo – Iinkai Judo is due to restart on Thursday 15th January at 8am in the school hall. Details sent out in an attachment with the Newsletter on 12th December or collect information from the office.
Cinema Evening – The school council have organised a cinema evening on Friday 16th January. Children are invited to arrive at Willow Year 6 Classroom at the end of the school day and will need to be collected at 6pm after the film. The chosen film will be ‘Rio 2’ which has a ‘U’ rating. A drink and popcorn will be provided. The cost per child is £2.50 and the money raised will go to the school. A letter will be sent to you next week asking for your permission, emergency contact numbers, details of who will be collecting your child and information about any dietary issues.