- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Parent/Teacher Evenings – a reminder that appointments are available on Tuesday 23rd Feb & Thursday 25th Feb to meet with your child’s teacher. The appointments are for 10 minutes however if you feel more time is needed please make an alternative appointment with your child’s teacher.
Sports for Schools – The children had enormous fun completing a variety of events with the GB Athletes on Tuesday afternoon. After the energetic fitness circuits, the children had an assembly lead by the Athletes, with a Q&A session. It was a very enjoyable afternoon. Many children have returned their sponsor forms and money – thank you. If your child has not yet brought in their sponsor form and money, please do so by Wednesday 10th February. All the sponsor forms we have received so far have been marked with the details of the sponsor money sent in. This information will be sent to ‘Sports for Schools’ and they will send out the bands and posters to those who are entitled ie those who raised over £5, over £15 or over £30. These will be delivered to school in due course by Sports for Schools. The parents who have paid online will receive the bands etc that they are entitled to as well. If you wish to make your payments online please follow this link:
www.sportsforschools.org/event/RG229 Thank you for your support.
Chair of Governors – Woodcote Primary School welcomes Mrs Helena McBride as the new Chair of Governors and Mrs Sue Whitehead as Vice Chair. Mrs McBride takes over from Dr Tim Mason, who has been on the Governing Body since 2011, first as Finance Governor and then as Chair from 2013. The school would like to thank Dr Mason for all of his support and hard work over the last 5 years. Attached is a letter detailing the amended list of the Governing Body.
Internet Safety Day – on Tuesday 9th February 2016, the Year 8 children from Langtree are coming over to do a presentation to Key Stage 2 children regarding internet safety. Please take this opportunity to find out more details at www.saferinternetday.org.uk and find out from your children what they have learnt. The Year 8 children would like to have some constructive feedback.
Sport Camp – during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of half term, The Elms Multi-Sports Camp will be at Woodcote Primary School offering a variety of sports delivered by professional sports coaches. If you would like any more details or wish to book places please go to their website : www.elmsholidayschemes.co.uk
Craft Club – new registration forms are now in the Foyer for signing up to the afterschool Craft club to start after half term, on Friday 26th February. There will be just 4 sessions finishing on Friday 18th March. Forms should be returned with payment by Thursday 25th February.
Cross Country Championships – this event will be held on Saturday 27th February 2016 from 9.30am -12.30pm at Chiltern Edge School. The children who take part in the morning pre-school running club or the lunch time running clubs should all consider taking part. They have been training well and are encouraged by Dr Sudbury and Mrs Bodeker to take part.
Coffee Shop – FOWPS are holding a fundraising coffee shop at the Community Centre/Lion’s Den on Saturday February 6th. Please come along to support the fund raising.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids – vouchers will be available in store from 27th January – 3rd May 2016. Please collect these for our school and bring them to the Foyer to post in the collection box or post them through our post box. Please do not staple them together. The more vouchers are collected, the more we can spend on additional resources for school. Over the years we have bought playground equipment, such as stilts and skipping ropes, and gym equipment too.
Library Event – there will be a ‘Harry Potter Book Night’ on Thursday 4th February 5.30pm – 6.30pm in the Woodcote Community Library. The dress code is Wizarding robes or Harry Potter fancy dress. Free tickets are available from the library. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Cabin Pre-School – a fundraising quiz night has been organised at the Red Lion, in Woodcote, on Wednesday 17th February at 8pm. It would be great to see you there! Quiz teams need to book tables in advance with the Red Lion on 01491 680483. Complimentary food is available for those taking part. They will be donating all profits from the night to the Cabin Pre School. A Super prize draw will also be taking place on the night. Tickets are available for £1 from Cabin parents, from the Red Lion or direct from the Cabin!
FOWPS Newsletter W/ending: 5th February 2016
The 100 Club. Have you joined?
Another way we raise funds is through our 100 Club. A great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter! Here’s how it works…
You complete and sign a membership form and either
– set up a Standing Order for £2 a month, or
– pay £24 by cheque/cash for the 12 month period.
This buys you one membership number, which enters you into the monthly draw. All participants must be over 16.
A £30 draw will take place in the final assembly of each month with the exception of the two months in which the Summer and Winter fairs fall. In these months the normal draw is replaced with a special £200 draw at the fair. If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winner published in the school’s monthly newsletter.
All profits raised go to FOWPS to help fund equipment, resources and opportunities for pupils.
If all 100 numbers were taken, this would raise a stunning £1700 for the school! We still have many unsold numbers! The lucky winner of the December 100 Club £30 draw was Lorna Tappern. If you are interested in joining the 100 Club and entering the monthly draws please see Amanda Lyons for more information.
School Angel
Did you know that by simply doing your shopping online via our unique link, you can raise funds for the school? Visit the school page here : http://www.schoolangel.org.uk/woodcote-primary-school.html. To raise funds for the Woodcote Primary School just click on any of the retailers listed on our page and do your shopping. All of the profit goes to help the school and you get exactly the same deal as if you had visited the retailers website direct. There is no need for you to create an account and they don’t need any of your personal details. School Angel will simply track your donation straight back to our school every time you visit!
As always, FOWPS is looking for helpers to help with the various fundraising initiatives we will be organising between now and the end of this school year. If you are happy to help at cake sales, the coffee shop, the summer fair, school discos or with serving teas at various school functions, please let us now. It would be amazing if everyone gave even as little as a half hour each. You can reach us on our email address fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk or speak to any of the committee or your class rep!