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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 5 June 2014

Year 6 Residential Trip – from Mrs Lecorgne’s reports by phone and on Twitter, it sounds as if the Year 6 children have had a wonderful trip and have managed to smile despite the wet weather.


National Grounds Week – please could any parents help with the supply or donation of any of the following list: Sand, small sticks, stones/flints, pinecones, bark, straw or hay.

The children will be making a large piece of art with the items during National Grounds Week. Please could you let the office know if you can help with any of the items and bring them in on Monday 9th June as we have no means of storage before then. Thank you to the parents who have already offered to bring in logs and hay.

As part of the National Grounds Week we will be celebrating the opening of our recently rejuvenated Wildlife Area.


Class Photos– on Tuesday 17th June Tempest will be coming into school to take Class Photos. These will take place in the school hall and we remind you that all children will need their school jumpers or cardigans for the photos. Tempest will also be taking the Year 6 leavers photos too.


Sainsbury’s Vouchers – the voucher scheme has now finished in stores so please bring in any vouchers you may have so that they can be counted and resources for school ordered as soon as possible. The order will be submitted at the beginning of July and any vouchers received after this time will be of no use.
