- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
School Photographs – All orders for photographs to be brought into the school office on Monday 1st October so that we can send the orders in to the photographer. After that date orders will need to be sent direct to the photographer.
Harvest – A reminder that our Harvest Assembly will take place next Wednesday 3rd October at 9.15am. The whole school will contribute to the assembly which parents are very welcome to attend. Children are requested to bring food items on that morning directly to the school hall before 8.50am and not to the classrooms. These will then be boxed up and distributed to elderly residents in Woodcote. If you know of any elderly residents who would appreciate receiving a box please let us know in the school office. Also we need some parents to assist with boxing up after the assembly and with distributing in the village, again please let us know in the school office.
Lunchtime Supervisor – We have a vacancy for a temporary lunchtime supervisor. If you would be interested in this post please ask in the school office for an application form and further details.
Packed Lunches – Could we please ask that children do not have yoghurt ‘frubes’ or similar in their packed lunches as these are difficult to open and can be very messy.
Secondhand Uniform – If you have any good school uniform that has now been outgrown or is no longer needed please bring it into the school office so that it can be sold to other parents.
Langtree Open Evening – Langtree School will be holding their open evening for parents of Year 6 pupils on Wednesday 3rd October at 6.30pm. Each Year 6 child should have brought home a Langtree Prospectus this week.
Inset Day – A reminder that there will be no school next Friday 5th October as we have an Inset Day.
Half Term – The October holiday is Monday 29th October until Friday 2nd November and there is also an Inset Day on Monday 5th November so children will not return until Tuesday 6th November.