- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Welcome – to Mrs Julie Jones who started with us this week as a Teaching Assistant. Mrs Julie Critcher will be starting with us as a Teaching Assistant on Monday in Oak Class.
Goodbye – today we say ‘Goodbye’ and ‘Thank you’ to Miss Lisa Tilbury in Oak class who is leaving us after many years. We all wish her well and hope to see her from time to time when collecting her boys from school.
Key Stage 1 Nativity play – The dress rehearsal will be on Monday 8th December at 2pm. There will be an early evening performance at 6pm on Tuesday 9th December and an afternoon performance at 2pm on Thursday 11th December. Tickets will be issued to the Key Stage 1 parents next week. The extra tickets for Thursday 11th December will be drawn on Monday. Please ensure you have added your name to the draw by Monday morning if you wanted an additional ticket for Thursday. A list of successful names will be posted in the foyer and classrooms on Monday afternoon.
After School Club – on Tuesday 9th December the After School Club will be finishing at 5.30pm. Please ensure you arrange to have your children collected by this time as the hall will be prepared for the Nativity play which starts promptly at 6pm.
NSPCC fundraising – On Monday each class took part in fundraising by completing circuits around the playground and hall. Please return the sponsor forms with any money raised by Tuesday 2nd December.
Last swimming dates – Oak Class had their final swimming today. Willow & Maple will have their final swim on Thursday 4th December.
Colouring Competition – Davis Tate have sent through a colouring competiton sheet for children to complete and return to them for display at the Goring Christmas Evening next Friday. Please collect one from the foyer if your child would like to take part.
End of term – on Friday 19th December school will finish at 1pm after registration. Please note that there will be no After School Club.