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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 27 March 2015

Goodbye – we said Goodbye and Good Luck today to Mrs Donnai (Hornbeam Teacher) and Mrs Aldridge (Curriculum Support Teacher). Both are off on Maternity Leave and expecting their babies next month. We wish them well and hope to meet the new arrivals soon. Miss Sarah Cunniapen has been appointed as Maternity Cover for Term 5 & Mrs Amy Fletcher will return to teach the class in Term 6.
Ash Class has been doing lots of problem solving in maths and we are delighted that one of our solutions has been published on the NRICH website. If you would like to read it, here is the link:

Multi-Activity mornings – Mrs Bodeker will be continuing with her morning training on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8am – 8.30am. However the sessions will now include a variety of athletics, skills and distance work using the school field. These sessions are open to all classes. The children should arrive by 8am and be signed in by their parents. Mrs Bodeker will supervise the children changing into their uniforms after training and ensure they go to their classes. If Mrs Bodeker is unexpectedly absent, a notice will be put up in the Foyer to alert parents.

The Craft Club is returning again after Easter for Yr 1-Yr 5 children (see attachment for more details).

Uniform – As from the summer term, until the October half term, girls may wear summer dresses, with white socks and navy or black closed toe sandals. Any hairbands worn should be plain and blue. Boys are welcome to wear grey shorts with either grey or black socks. During this term children are requested to bring in named sun hats, sun screen and water bottles. Any prescription medication for Hay Fever should be given to the appropriate staff members once a medicine form has been completed. These are available from the office. Please note, school is not able to give medication unless it has been prescribed by a Doctor.

Student Update Forms – if you have not yet returned your form, please let Mrs Mason know. Another copy can be printed out if necessary. All the amendments and updates will have been made by the start of Summer Term. New Emergency Contact Cards will be generated with information we hold for your children.


Elms Multi-Sports Camp – This will be taking place during the Easter Holidays at Woodcote Primary School. The Camp is open to all children aged between 4-12yrs. The dates are as follows: Monday 30th March – Thursday 2nd April and Tuesday 7th April – Friday 10th April. Leaflets are available in the Foyer or you can find out more information at their website:

Woodcote Holiday Club – The Cabin and Woodcote Pre-Schools are running a holiday club over Easter between: Monday 30th March –Thursday 2nd April and Tuesday 7th April – Friday 9th April for children aged between 21/2 & 7 years old. Leaflets available in the Foyer.
