- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Photographs – Tempest Photography came into school on Tuesday 22nd September to take photos of the children. The order forms were sent home with the children. Please bring orders to the school office, via the post box, in the Tempest sealed envelope with all the details marked on clearly. The orders will be collected on Monday 5th October. Any late orders will need to be sent off separately by parents with an additional charge.
Foundation Class Photo – a Henley Standard photographer came in at the beginning of term to take a photo of our new Oak Class children. This photograph is in the Henley Standard today, Friday 25th September, along with photos of all the new Foundation stage starters in the area.
No Nut Policy – may we please remind you that we have a no nuts policy in school, as there are several children with severe nut allergies. Please ensure all snacks and foods are free of nuts. These may include for example mini Bakewell Tarts, Battenburg, muesli bars, Nutella etc.
Healthy Eating – we would like to encourage all children to eat healthily at school. Please do not put chocolate bars and sweets into their home packed lunches. For ideas on healthy snacks please following this link – http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life/Pages/low-sugar-healthy-snacks.aspx
Frubes and pouch style yoghurts can be quite messy if your child struggles to open them. Please find an alternative if possible.
Starting School – if you have a child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012, you need to apply for a primary school place now. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2016. Applications can be done online at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions For help or information please call 01865 815 175 or email admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Secondary School – Year 6 parents are reminded to complete their child’s Secondary School applications by 2nd November 2015. Applications should be submitted online at: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/secondaryadmissions
Messy Church – St Leonards Church are hosting a Messy Church event on Sunday 27thSeptember from 2.30pm – 4.30pm at the Woodcote Village Hall. Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult.
Craft Club – this club started last week (3.30pm-4.15pm in Spruce Chalet) and still has some spaces remaining. Suzanne Craft is happy for children to come along without pre-registration. There will be forms available to complete at the club.
Football Club – there are still a number of spaces for Key Stage 1 children for the new lunch time football club taking place on Tuesdays between 12.25pm – 12.55pm. The Key Stage 2 group is currently full. Please complete the slip below or send in a note indicating your KS1 child’s interest in this club. All participants must wear trainers, shin pads and long socks. Please note no football boots are to be worn – the children will be using the new Astro turf pitch at Langtree. Children taking hot dinners should go to first sitting. All Aspen packed lunches and home packed lunches are eaten in our school hall from 12noon.
Post Box – please could all parents use the school’s post box for their deliveries of permission slips, uniform orders, letters for staff or any other communications. The post box is situated outside, on the external wall to the left of office window. The post comes through to a cage unit and will be sorted each day, as soon as possible. Please ensure that all payments or confidential post are put into sealed and clearly labelled envelopes. Please use recycled envelopes or sealed, labelled clear bags if you wish.
Football Club – (please return to school office)
My child……………………………………………………… in Key stage 1, would like to take part in the lunch time Football Club on Tuesdays between 12.25 – 12.55pm.
I will provide trainers, shin pads and long socks and understand no football boots are allowed………..
Signed ……………………………………………………….Date…………………………….