- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Thank you – to all of those parents who have sent and expressed their support to the school and staff over this last, very difficult week.
Kwik Cricket Club – Mrs Bodeker will be starting this Key Stage 2 after school club on Tuesday 2nd June and run it until the end of the summer term. The Club will start at 3.30pm until 4.15pm. Children need to sign up to the club on Tuesday 2nd June from 3.15pm at the Year 3 classroom. Children will need to have their PE kits, a sun hat, sun cream and a water bottle. There is a minimum requirement of 16 children to ensure the club can run. Please note the club will not take place on Tuesday 9th June when Mrs Bodeker is away on the Year 6 residential trip.
Craft Club – this has finished now for this term but will restart on Friday 5th June. There are still 3 spaces remaining. Forms are available in the foyer.
Missing items – please could parents look out for the Maple Class’s digital white Nikon S33 camera. It is only a few weeks old. Please also look out for a green and white scooter that was within the locked school gates over the weekend but has gone missing.
Uniform price increase – our uniform suppler has increased prices this month. As from June 1stthere will be a small increase in our prices to you.
‘Any old iron’ – there is to be a school project which requires metal. If you have any old pots, pans, cutlery, bike frames etc please bring them to school and place them under the covered area between the chalets and the shed adjacent to Rowan Class. If you have any large items please let the office know and we will give you Mr Nick Garnett number. He would be happy to collect.
INSET day – please be reminded of the INSET day on Friday 3 July.
Half term – we hope you have a good holiday. School reopens on Monday 1st June.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 22nd May 2015
‘Wimbledon’ Summer Fair’ – Friday June 26th 5 – 8pm. Please contact us if you are able to help on the day, even if is just for an hour, or if you know anyone who would like to have a stall selling their own goods or services. We have booked the human table football again this year so all of those who weren’t able to have a go because of the weather last year will get another chance (please keep your fingers crossed for a dry evening)!!!