- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
ey Stage 1 Nativity play – this will take place in the school hall over 3 dates. The dress rehearsal will be on Monday 8th December at 2pm. There will be an early evening performance at 6pm on Tuesday 9th December and an afternoon performance at 2pm on Thursday 11th December. We would like to encourage any parents with small children or siblings to attend either the dress rehearsal on Monday or the afternoon of Thursday. The evening performance will be for adults and older children.
Lists are currently up in the foyer and classroom to determine numbers for the performances. Please be sure to have put up your request for seats by Monday morning. Due to fire regulations there are restrictions on the number of people allowed in the hall. If numbers are too large we will have to ticket the event. We will confirm the arrangements as soon as possible.
After School Club – on Tuesday 9th December the After School Club will be finishing at 5.30pm. Please ensure you arrange to have your children collected by this time as the hall will be prepared for the Nativity play which starts promptly at 6pm.
Children In Need – the total raised at school this year was £270.65. The children’s cake sale raised a fantastic £106.75 and the money donated by dressing up was £163.90. Well done to children and staff for their wonderful array of costumes and to the Mums and Dad’s for organising them.
Poppy Appeal – the Royal British Legion has asked us to thank all those at Woodcote Primary School who helped raise £95.13 for this year’s appeal.
NSPCC assembly – on Wednesday this week, the children took part in an assembly by NSPCC which highlighted the important work that they do and the service they offer. An email was sent out on Wednesday regarding the event. Your child was given a workout sponsor form and envelope to bring home and we would ask please that you could return these with any sponsors by Tuesday 2nd December. On Monday next week each class will be fundraising by completing circuits around the playground or hall if it is wet. Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit, including trainers. Please remember to label all kit clearly.
End of term – on Friday 19th December school will finish at 1pm after registration. Please note that there will be no After School Club.