- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Medieval Banquet – Children had a fantastic day yesterday with the medieval banquet. Children and staff dressed up in medieval costume and feasted together in our ‘great’ hall. After eating, children took part in medieval games and activities led by teachers. Before this children had met up in their team point groups and made masks and decorated goblets ready for the banquet.
It was a fantastic day all round! Full credit must go to the teachers and staff who planned the whole school ‘castles’ project this term, the initial WOW day in September, whole school Warwick Castle trip and the closing banquet. The teachers and staff worked hard to set up the hall for the banquet and it looked truly amazing. It would be really good to have some parental feedback on the Castles topic as we would hope to do similar whole school projects in future. Comments can be made on our website at: www.woodcote-primary.co.uk
School Dinner Menu – The cost of school dinners remains at £1.85 each next term. Could we please ask that dinner money be sent into school on Monday mornings in a sealed envelope stating which days dinners are required. Payment can be for that week or for the whole of the half term, and can be by cash (exact money please) or by cheque payable to Oxfordshire County Council.
If you wish to apply for free school meals please ask in the office for a form and we can check whether your child is entitled to free school dinners. Entitlement is for those parents claiming benefits which include Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance and some Child Tax Credits.
Judo Lessons – These will start again next term on Thursday 12th January at the usual time of 8am. Letters have been given out to those who took part in judo lessons this term but if you would like your child to start lessons next term there are letters in the school entrance hall giving full information.
Emergency School Closure – A reminder that in the event of bad weather any closure or late opening will be announced on the radio by 8.00am, earlier if possible (BBC Radio Oxford and Heart FM Oxfordshire) and will appear on their websites. We will also inform the Woodcote and Cabin Preschools. School closures are also listed on the County website: http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/schoolclosures and we will also notify parents of opening/closing on our school website: www.woodcote-primary.co.uk
School Admissions September 2012 – A reminder to parents of pre-school children that application for admission to school for children born between 1.9.07 and 31.8.08 must be made by 16th January 2012. This can be done online at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions or by completing a form in a booklet that is available in the school office. Please ask in the office if you would like a booklet.
Spring Term – Next term there is an Inset day on Tuesday 3rd January and School will re-open to children for the new term on Wednesday 4th January.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 16th December 2011 – see back of this newsletter.
Thank you to all the children and parents for their gifts and cards to me and the staff.
Happy Christmas and peaceful holiday,