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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 10 February 2012

Thank you – to David Temple for bringing his equipment in on Monday morning to clear the snow from our playground.  This was greatly appreciated.


Half Term – I hope you all have a good half term next week and we look forward to seeing you all back again on Monday 20th February.


Music Lessons – The new music lessons start on Tuesday 21st February so please make sure your child has their instrument with them if you have signed up for these lessons. We have a list in the school office of names and times.


Book Fair – We will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair from Tuesday 21st February until Monday 27th February.  With this newsletter you will receive a leaflet giving information on the books available.   All books sold will earn commission so please come and have a look at the Book Fair which will be open from 3.15pm in the school hall.


Parent Interviews – The lists are now up in the hall for you to sign up for Parent Interviews which will be held during the first week back after half term. 

Monday 20th February   – all classes

Tuesday 21st February  – Rowan, Ash, Beech, Hornbeam and Oak classes

Wednesday 22nd February    – Willow and Maple classes.


School Dinners – Please can we ask that dinner money is sent in on Monday mornings for any dinners needed that week and not sent in each day.  Copies of the menu are available in the school entrance hall if you do not already have one and choices can be made from this at the beginning of the week.  If, for any reason your child does not have dinner on days when dinner has been booked then payment will be carried forward for another day.  The cost of dinners remains £1.85.  Please enclose your exact payment in an envelope marked with your child/children’s names and showing the days that dinners are required and if the vegetarian option is required.  Payment can be by cash or by cheque (payable to Oxfordshire County Council) and can be for just one week or for the whole half term.


Parent Governor – We still have a vacancy for a Parent 

Governor.  If you are interested in this position please ask in the school office for more information of what is involved.


Woodcote Library – Next week Woodcote Library invites all children to come and help decorate a large dragon to welcome the Chinese Year of the Dragon.


Oratory Cricket Courses – These are being held next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.30am-12pm in the Oratory Sports Centre.  Open to all abilities, all round cricket skills and fun games.  Contact 01491 681303 for more details or visit
