- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
A warm and balmy evening greeted the 43 ladies who joined in for the annual Ladies Pub Walk and Talk organised by FOWPS. After a quick catch up and drink, we left the Red Lion Pub in Woodcote around 7:15pm on Friday night. We ambled gently (to Mrs Bodeker’s disgust..I do believe I heard her say; “Come on ladies, pick up the pace. How can you work up an appetite at this speed!”) uphill along Whitehouse road til we reached Long Toll. After a short walk passed the Greenmore ponds, we turned into Shirvel’s Hill and then took a left into the woods. Thankfully, because of the lovely weather in the week leading up to the walk, the usual muddy patches were fairly dry and easy to navigate.
The bluebells greeted us in abundance. It was a beautiful sight and the lovely fresh scent of the woods and warm breeze created a wonderful atmosphere. We continued through the woods until we reached The Sun Pub in Whitchurch. The walk had taken us around 45 minutes to this point. Everyone was thirsty by then, so a few drinks were had whilst sitting and chatting in groups- both inside the pub and in their garden area out back.
At around 8:30 we did the route in reverse. Back through the woods, almost dark enough to use torches, but not quite. We arrived back at the Red Lion at around 9:15 and were treated to sandwich platters and bowls of chips.
The entire walk is around 3 miles and is fairly level. It is a lovely way to spend an evening and to chat to other ladies in the school community who you might otherwise not have the chance to speak to. We would especially recommend coming along if you are new to the school.
This event is open to all local ladies so were pleased that we had past and current parents, aunts, friends and teaching staff represented. With 43 ladies in attendance we raised around £360 for various projects around the school. Thank you!
And of course, a big thank you to the Red Lion for supporting us by providing the sandwiches at the end of the walk!
We look forward to having many of you again next year and hopefully a few more new faces too…