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Woodcote Primary School


Fantastic Fundraising and where it all goes…

FOWPS have been very busy since September 2016. Thanks to all of you who have helped, volunteered and supported all the events and activities we’ve organised this year, we can’t do it without you!

We thought you might be interested in seeing how much has been raised and how much has been spent (and on what).


Fundraising EVENTS for academic year 2016-2017

Total amount raised  since September 2016 is £3230

  • 30 September: Year 1&6 Cake Sale £110.10 (£55.05 for each class)
  • 1 October: Coffee Shop £165.19
  • 4 November: Year 2&5 Cake Sale £104  (£52 for each class)
  • 11 November: Winter School Disco £312
  • 9 December : Christmas Fair  £1917.43
  • 11 December: Jingle Jog Fun Run  £271.45
  • 16 December Dress Down Day £123.16
  • 13 January: Year 3&4 Cake Sale  £92.50 (£46.25 for each class)
  • 4 February: Coffee Shop £134.7


FOWPS Funded activities for academic year 2016-2017

Total amount spent since September 2016 is a whopping £11289

  1. Paid the entire cost of the coaches (thereby keeping the cost to families reasonable) to Whole School trip to Hexagon Theatre for the Christmas Snow White Pantomime: £1080
  2. Alteration of the front garden area into a learning zone and installation of a new school gate. We look forward to seeing this being used to enhance outdoor learning opportunities as the weather becomes milder: £9775
  3. Beech Class Trip to Beaulieu motor museum: £100 subsidy
  4. Maple Class Cirque Du Soleil Trip: £334 subsidy

Much of the funds raised, help to lower the cost of trips and activities for each class. FOWPS funding means that the cost per trip for our school families is reduced to as low as possible.


Check out the FOWPS page to find out about our future events!
