- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
It seems to have come out of nowhere but we are indeed getting into the swing of Christmas now. Nativity rehearsals are well underway (you may have heard the songs already!). Thank you to those of you who have already delivered costumes! I’m impressed! We have now finished our Alien topic and are just finishing up our stories and artwork ready to show you. We will be learning about how other people celebrate Christmas over the coming weeks and writing some Christmas stories. We hope to get some cooking going in the last few weeks of term so do let us know if you are able to help with this.
Reading and Rhyme-time
A big thank you to those parents who have been attending our rhyme-times on Wednesday afternoon.
It would be wonderful to see as many of you as possible, remember you are free to bring your little ones to join in. It is a great opportunity to see how we teach reading and speaking skills and spend some time reading with your children. We meet at the library at approx 2:15-2:30.
The children have been doing so well with the recorder sessions and many of them have asked to take music home. You will have seen this in your child’s book bag on Friday. We have even been asked after our sharing assembly success to perform again at the Christmas Fair!
We will be having an open Christmas Crafty session on the 11th of December for anyone who fancies having a go at some creative activities, more information on this to follow shortly.
Finally could we ask that all children are bringing a coat into school from now on. It is turning very chilly. Please could you check your child’s coat has their own name in it as we have had a few gone missing. Much appreciated. Thank you.
Until next time
Mrs Hall and Mrs Fletcher