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Woodcote Primary School


A Recipe for Christmas Success

Here it is at last – performance week!  We are looking forward to the KS1 nativity play: A Christmas Recipe, with all of its glorious festive ingredients.


We know it will be fantastic as we have followed a recipe for success and used some very special essential ingredients of our own!


Recipe for Nativity Success

Essential Ingredients:

  • energetic children               CHECK
  • eager staff                           CHECK
  • super songs                        CHECK
  • fun script                             CHECK
  • dazzling dancing                 CHECK
  • cute costumes                     CHECK
  • enthusiastic audience

It seems that we are missing just one essential ingredient!

So make sure you have your tickets ready as we look forward to seeing you – our enthusiastic audience – on Tuesday at 2pm and Wednesday at 6pm to complete our best recipe yet!
