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Woodcote Primary School


weekly news and events blog

We hope you had a lovely half term. The children have had a very busy first week back. We have been finishing our sculpture project and would like to thank George Lewis for his hard work over the last 6 weeks. The alien artwork looks fabulous and we are looking forward to inviting you to our upcoming exhibition, watch this space.


In Maths the children have been using numberlines to add and subtract by counting forwards and backwards. Here is Tirzah’s lovely work.


Don’t forget to keep practicing your counting backwards and writing numbers to 20. The children have been very excited to tell me all the hard work they have been doing at home and we can really see the difference. Great work parents, keep it up!


In English we have been preparing to write our alien fantasy stories by making our settings and character puppets to practice our language. We can’t wait to read the stories the children will produce next week.


In other news, The Children have been learning the recorder in between swimming sessions. They learnt how to hold it correctly and play note B. What talented musicians we have in our class! We are a little short of recorders so if you have any spare ones lying around at home you could donate or lend we would be very grateful. Thank you.


Also we have been remembering those that fought and sacrificed their lives for our country in the war. We have created some beautiful poppy artwork to help us remember them. Keep your eye out for our work shortly.


Finally we hope to see as many of you as possible at our exciting new…


Reading and rhyme time

at 2:30 on Wednesday at Woodcote library. Please do come along and enjoy singing, reading and poetry with your little ones. Feel free to bring younger children and you are welcome to sign out and take your children at the end of the session. Until then…

Mrs Hall and Mrs Fletcher
