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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter W/ending 20th May 2016

Residential Trip – the Year 6’s have had a wonderful week, despite the mixed weather. They are due back at the slightly later time of 6pm so as to be able to visit the Clifton Suspension Bridge on the way home. The Year 6 parents can find out more information about the week’s activities at an Open Afternoon in Willow Class on Thursday 26th May between 2pm-3pm.


Lunch time Rugby – Mr Rod Horsley will be starting a new Summer lunch time Tag Rugby Club for Key Stage 2 children. It will be on Thursday lunch times from 12.25 – 12.55pm on our school field and will start on Thursday 26th May. If your child would like to take part please complete a slip available in the Foyer and return it to Mrs Mason in the office. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


Sports Day – this year’s Sports Day will be on Thursday 23rd June. If the weather prevents the day from taking place, an alternative day of Wednesday 29th June will be used.


KS2 Sports will be on the Langtree field from 9.30am to lunch time.

KS1 Sports will be on the Woodcote field from 1.15 – 3.15pm.


Next week’s INSET day – school will finish next week for half term on Thursday 26th May at normal time. Friday 27th May is an INSET day. There is a further INSET day on Friday 1st July 2016 for staff training. School will be closed to pupils on these days.


Class Photographs – Tempest Photography will be coming in to take Class Photos on Monday 6thJune, the first day back after half term. Please ensure children have the correct uniform. Tempest will create order forms and send them through to us as soon as possible after the event.
