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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 31st March

Open Morning – Friday 7th April

We are looking forward to welcoming you into school between 9.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. to see the work that the classes have been doing during our planned RE week.


Sports News

Swimming Gala

Year 5 and 6 took part in a Swimming Gala at the Oratory School on Wednesday this week. We won all but one of the medley races and the group displayed excellent teamwork and they encouraged each other really positively. A parent from another school commented how smart the Woodcote pupils looked in their PE kit which was good to hear. We were second overall which was an improvement on last year. Olympic Value of courage went to Lily Assadi.


Year 3 and 4 High Five Netball Tournament

On Thursday this week the team played in their first tournament since the club started. After a slightly tentative start their confidence grew with each game. The matches were all very close and the team won 1, lost 4 and drew 1. Olympic Value for improvement went to Eleni Southby.


Summer Term – Running/Athletics club

This will start on Tuesday May 2nd. Thursday’s Mile Club will be held on the School playground. This means you won’t need to fill in a permission slip.


School Governors

Letter to parents from Sue Whitehead, Chair of Governors.

Dear Parents,

Woodcote Primary School have had some changes on the Governing body over the past couple of months.

Mrs Helena McBride recently stepped down as the Chair of Governors and I have been appointed. Anna Bartlett has also been appointed as Vice Chair. Governors extended their thanks to Helena for her time and dedication over the past four years… read more…


Egg Decorating Competition           

Over the weekend we are asking the children to decorate a hard boiled or blown egg and bring it into school on Thursday. Each child that brings in an egg will get a small token and there will be prizes for the most imaginative decoration in different age groups.


Year 1 & 5 Class Cake Sale- Friday 7th April

Year 1 and Year 5 will be holding their cake sale on Friday 7th April. Could you please bring any donated cakes to the cooking chalet and if you can volunteer to help that would be much appreciated. Speak to Verity Easton



Year 1 & 5 Class Cake Sale- Friday 7th April

Year 1 and Year 5 will be holding their cake sale on Friday 7th April. Could you please bring any donated cakes to the cooking chalet and if you can volunteer to help that would be much appreciated. Speak to Verity Easton (year 2 parent) or let any member of FOWPS know.


Community Coffee Shop- Saturday 29th April

On Saturday the 29th of April, FOWPS will be hosting the weekly coffee shop at the community centre. We are looking for donations of cakes and for volunteers to help set up, serve and clear away. We would love to have some new faces come along and help out. If you are able to bake (no nuts please, and please provide ingredients list for allergen info) or give up some time to support this fundraiser, we’d love to hear from you. There will be sign up sheet, at the school entrance, closer to the date for you to fill in. Or email us on


Rabbit Run – Sunday 30th April

Following the success of the Jingle Jog in December, We are organising a Spring themed Rabbit Run  fun run on Sunday 30th April at 9.45 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. This is a fun event (not timed) for children ages 3-11. With optional dress up, we hope to have a eggciting and hoppy event to make us smile.  Each runner will earn a goody bag and medal for completing the run.  Please register on the school website RABBIT RUN 2017

No time for breakfast before the run? We are providing a refreshment stand at the event. Hop along and get your bacon butties, hot cross buns and cakes as well as a hot drink.

For more information you can email FOWPS on


Auction of Promises- Friday 5th May

It’s almost time for another superb night out at the FOWPS Auction of Promises. We are busily collecting all the wonderful Promises for you to bid on and will soon provide a list of items to whet your appetites. This was a fun night, which raised substantial funds for the school, and we are looking forward to welcoming you all!


If you are able to donate an Auction promise (gardening help, a tractor ride, meal voucher, film voucher, baked goods, babysitting, hampers, tuition, other technical services, etc) then please fill in the Auction form and return it to the school office as soon as possible.

The Auction takes place on Friday 5th May – 7.30 p.m. for a 7.45 p.m. start.

For more information about these events you can email FOWPS on



The new summer menu can be found here: Option 1 – Summer Menu 2017


Please Note


School will finish for the Easter Break next Friday at 1 p.m.

School re-opens on Monday 24th April.

Term five runs from Monday 24th April to Friday 26th May.

Monday 1st May is a Bank Holiday.

Late spring holiday (half term) is from Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June.
