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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 12 December 2014

Value of the month ‘Caring’

Key Stage 1 Nativity play – thank you to all the children and staff who worked extremely hard to produce the wonderful ‘Children Around the World’ Nativity. Thank you to Sandra Farmer who again helped make some beautiful costumes for the children. The children coped admirably with the three performances. Thank you to the parents for coming to support the children.


OFSTED – as you will have been aware, our school has been inspected by OFSTED this week. Thank you to all the supportive messages received from parents and for completing the on-line survey. The confirmation of the school’s grade will be issued by OFSTED in January 2015. The information and report will be passed onto parents as soon as possible.


NSPCC fundraising –Kim, the NSPCC representative, came to collect the last few sponsor forms this week and we now have a revised total of £1656.10 collected by the children for their charity. Kim was astonished by the final total and wanted us to thank all the children and parents for their amazing fundraising.


Aspens Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 17th December. Please do not order any further meals for this day as the canteen have placed their orders with suppliers. Please note no Aspens packed lunches or jacket potatoes will be available that day. Please provide your child with a home packed lunch if necessary.


French Café – on Wednesday 10th December the Year 6 children hosted a French style café in the hall. The children have been learning French each week this term and this café was to encourage the use of spoken French. It was very well attended and the money raised from the sale of refreshments will go towards another project next year. Thank you very much to all the parents who came along and supported the event.


Coffee Morning – on Thursday 11th December Maple Class invited their parents to visit the hall for a coffee morning to share their work on Animals and Living Things that they have been studying this term. The children presented either a power point presentation or information leaflets to the parents. Parents also had the opportunity to meet Kelly Gould and Alison Ploszynski, the Home School Learning Mentors. Thank you to both of them for organizing the very successful event.


Iinkai Judo – with this Newsletter is information from Iinkai Judo detailing their morning sessions from Jan 2015.


Elms Multi-Sports Camps – will be offering school holiday sports camps throughout the year at Woodcote Primary School. (Please see attachment).


End of term – on Friday 19th December school will finish at 1pm after registration. Please note that there will be no After School Club.
