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Woodcote Primary School


Governor’s letter to parents March 2017

Dear Parents,

Woodcote Primary School have had some changes on the Governing body over the past couple of months.

Mrs Helena McBride recently stepped down as the Chair of Governors and I have been appointed. Anna Bartlett has also been appointed as Vice Chair. Governors extended their thanks to Helena for her time and dedication over the past four years.

Mrs Sarah Bentley, Mr Tom McAuslin’s and Miss Sarah Beesley’s terms as Governors have also recently come to an end and again we extend our thanks to them all.


Please see below the list of current Governors for Woodcote Primary School

Governor Name Position Held
Mrs Sue Whitehead Chair of Governors / Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Anna Bartlett Vice Chair / Finance Governor
Mr Paul Clifford Health & Safety Governor
Mrs Diana Hadaway Co-opted Governor
Mr Brian Williams Buildings and Maintenance Governor
Mr Paul Smith Parent Governor
Ms Rachel Winterbottom Parent Governor
Dr Pete Sudbury Special Needs Governor
Ms Helen Harvey Parent Governor
Mrs Liz Hunt Head teacher
Mrs Helen Pearson Staff Governor


As Governors, we work as a team to provide governance across a variety of areas including finance, pupil welfare, policies, building/grounds maintenance and staff appointments.  However, without a doubt, we consider that our most important role is to ensure the welfare and education of the pupils.

Our core roles involve:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the senior leadership team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


Ours is a strategic role and we are not involved in day to day operational matters which is the responsibility of Mrs Hunt as the Head Teacher.


If you wish to contact any of the Governors please leave your request and contact details with the school office.

Sue Whitehead

Chair of Governors, Woodcote Primary School
